ProtoGrad is an experimental Julia package to work with gradient-based model optimization, including (of course!) deep learning. It aims at being simple, composable, and flexible. This said, it's very much of a work-in-progress playground for ideas, so don't expect feature completeness or stability just yet.
The package builds on top of much more mature and popular libraries, above all Zygote (for automatic differentiation) and NNLib (providing common operators in deep learning).
Check out the examples folder on how to use ProtoGrad to construct and train models, or keep following the present README to get a feeling for the package philosophy.
It all begins, naturally, with
using ProtoGrad
Models are just callable objects, whose type extends the ProtoGrad.Model
abstract type.
The following (overly) simple example defines some type of linear model (a better version of this is ProtoGrad.Linear
struct LinearModel <: ProtoGrad.Model
(m::LinearModel)(x) = m.A * x .+ m.b
All attributes of a model are interpreted as parameters to be optimized, and so gradients will be taken with respect to them. It is therefore assumed that all attributes are
- Numerical arrays, i.e. of type
; - Functions;
- Other
objects; Tuple
s of objects of the above types.
Note: This means, for example, that hyper-paramenters cannot be stored as attributes. Some hyperparameters are implicit in the model structure (e.g. number of layers or units); otherwise, they can be stored as type parameters (as "value types").
Models defined this way get the structure of a vector space, for free:
m = LinearModel(randn(3, 5), randn(3))
m_scaled = 2 * m # this is also of type LinearModel
m_sum = m + m_scaled # this too
The dot-syntax for in-place assignment and loop fusion can also be used:
m_scaled .= 2 .* m
m_sum .= m .+ m_scaled
And you can take dot products too!
using LinearAlgebra
dot(m, m_sum)
Objective functions
Training a model usually amounts to optimizing some objective function. In principle, any custom function of the model will do. For example, we can use the mean squared error
mean_squared_error(yhat, y) = sum((yhat .- y).^2) / size(y)[end]
mean_squared_error (generic function with 1 method)
together with some data (here artificially generated, according to a random, noisy linear model)
A_original = randn(3, 5)
b_original = randn(3)
x = randn(5, 300)
y = A_original * x .+ b_original .+ randn(3, 300)
to define the objective:
objective = model -> mean_squared_error(model(x), y)
objective(m) # returns some "large" loss value
Stochastic approximations to the full-data objective above can be implemented by iterating the data in batches, and coupling it with the loss, as follows:
using StatsBase
batch_size = 64
batches = ProtoGrad.forever() do
idx = sample(1:size(x)[end], batch_size, replace = false)
return (x[:, idx], y[:, idx])
stochastic_objective = ProtoGrad.SupervisedObjective(mean_squared_error, batches)
ProtoGrad.SupervisedObjective{typeof(Main.##310.mean_squared_error), Base.Generator{Base.Iterators.Repeated{Nothing}, ProtoGrad.var"#1#2"{Main.##310.var"#3#4"}}, Tuple{Matrix{Float64}, Matrix{Float64}}, Nothing}(mean_squared_error, Base.Generator{Base.Iterators.Repeated{Nothing}, ProtoGrad.var"#1#2"{Main.##310.var"#3#4"}}(ProtoGrad.var"#1#2"{Main.##310.var"#3#4"}(Main.##310.var"#3#4"()), Base.Iterators.Repeated{Nothing}(nothing)))
Evaluating this new objective on m
will yield
stochastic_objective(m) |> println # a different
stochastic_objective(m) |> println # value
stochastic_objective(m) |> println # every
stochastic_objective(m) |> println # time
Gradient computation
Computing the gradient of our objective with respect to the model is easy:
grad, val = ProtoGrad.gradient(objective, m)
(Main.##310.LinearModel, 16.988103019562196)
Here val
is the value of the objective evaluated at m
, while grad
contains its gradient with respect to all attributes of m
. Most importantly grad
is itself a LinearModel
object. Therefore, grad
can be added or subtracted from m
, used in dot products and so on.
Fitting models to the objective
Fitting models using gradient-based algorithms is now relatively simple. The following loop is plain gradient descent with constant stepsize:
m_fit = copy(m)
for it in 1:100
grad, _ = ProtoGrad.gradient(objective, m_fit)
m_fit .= m_fit .- 0.1 .* grad
┌ Warning: Assignment to `grad` in soft scope is ambiguous because a global variable by the same name exists: `grad` will be treated as a new local. Disambiguate by using `local grad` to suppress this warning or `global grad` to assign to the existing global variable.
└ @ string:3
To verify that this worked, we can check that the objective value is much smaller for m_fit
than it was for m
objective(m_fit) # returns a small loss value compared to `m`
ProtoGrad implements gradient descent and other optimization algorithms in the form of iterators. The following will yield the same iterations as we just did:
optimizer = ProtoGrad.GradientDescent(stepsize=1e-1)
iterations = Iterators.take(optimizer(m, objective), 100)
Base.Iterators.Take{ProtoGrad.GradientDescentIterable{Main.##310.LinearModel, Main.##310.var"#1#2", Float64}}(ProtoGrad.GradientDescentIterable{Main.##310.LinearModel, Main.##310.var"#1#2", Float64}(Main.##310.LinearModel, Main.##310.var"#1#2"(), 0.1), 100)
The iterations
object is an iterator that can be looped over, and its elements be inspected (for example to decide when to stop training). For the sake of compactness, here we will just take the output of the last iteration as solution:
m_fit = ProtoGrad.last(iterations).solution
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