PyMBAR.jl is a Julia package that functions as a lightweight wrapper for the Python pymbar package, facilitating the calculation of free energy differences. Leveraging PyCall.jl to call Python packages, it aims to be a drop-in replacement, making it simpler to add pymbar as a dependency in your Julia projects.
To install PyMBAR.jl, use the following command in the Julia REPL:
using Pkg
Note that this requires that PyCall be able to install pymbar in the python environment. It will automatically be installed if PyCall is configured to use a conda environment. Otherwise, you will need to install pymbar in whatever python environment PyCall is configured to use.
Below, find a practical example illustrating how to utilize PyMBAR.jl. Note that all functionality available in pymbar is accessible in a similar manner.
In this example, we generate dummy data and compute the statistical inefficiency.
using PyMBAR, Random, Distributions
timeseries = PyMBAR.pymbar.timeseries
function dummy_data()
N = 10000
K = 1
var = ones(N)
for replica = 2:K
var = vcat(var, ones(N))
X = reshape(rand(Normal(0.0, 1.0), K * N) .* var / 10.0, (K, N))
Y = reshape(rand(Normal(0.0, 1.0), K * N) .* var, (K, N))
energy = 10 * (X .^ 2) / 2.0 .+ (Y .^ 2) / 2.0
return X, Y, energy
X, Y, energy = dummy_data()
g0 = timeseries.statistical_inefficiency(X[1, :])