
Julian interface for Pythonic virtual environments
Author tkf
6 Stars
Updated Last
10 Months Ago
Started In
September 2020

PyVenvs: Julian interface for Pythonic virtual environments

module MyPackage

using PyVenvs

@pyvenv CLI_VENV requirements="""
Pygments ==2.*
docutils ==0.16.*

function __init__()

pygmentize(args::Cmd) = Cmd(CLI_VENV, `pygmentize $args`)
rst2html(args::Cmd) = Cmd(CLI_VENV, ` $args`)

end # module

PyCall integration

julia> using PyVenvs

julia> PyVenvs.init_pycall()

julia> using PyCall

Note that PyVenvs.init_pycall should not be called in packages. Typically, it should be called at the beginning of a script or REPL session as soon as possible.

Required Packages

Used By Packages

No packages found.