
Implementation of the spectral energy distribution QSOSED for active galactic nuclei.
Author arnauqb
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Updated Last
2 Years Ago
Started In
November 2021

Build Status Coverage Documentation


This Julia package handles various calculations involving the accretion physics of AGNs. In particular, it implements the qsosed model of Xspec, explained in Kubota & Done (2018) to create the flux energy distribution in the UV/X-Ray band of an AGN.

The SED model has three characteristic regions: the outer standard disc region; the warm Comptonising region; and the inner hot Comptonising region.

For the warm Comptonising region, this model adopts the passive disc scenario tested by Petrucci et al. 2018 (https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu//#abs/2018A&A...611A..59P/abstract). Here, the flow is assumed to be completely radially stratified, emitting as a standard disc blackbody from Rout to Rwarm, as warm Comptonisation from Rwarm to Rhot and then makes a transition to the hard X-ray emitting hot Comptonisation component from Rhot to RISCO. The warm Comptonisation component is optically thick, so is associated with material in the disc. Nonetheless, the energy does not thermalise to even a modified blackbody, perhaps indicating that significant dissipation takes place within the vertical structure of the disc, rather than being predominantly released in the midplane.

At a radius below Rhot, the energy is emitted in the hot Comptonisation component. This has much lower optical depth, so it is not the disc itself. In the model, the albedo is fixed at a = 0.3, and the seed photon temperature for the hot Comptonisation component is calculated internally. In contrast to optxagnf, this model does not take the color temperature correction into account.


The package can be directly installed from Julia package manager

]add Qsosed

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