
Author syoshida1983
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Updated Last
4 Months Ago
Started In
April 2023


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This package provides the functions to correct quadratic phase aberration.


To install this package, open the Julia REPL and run

julia> ]add QuadraticAberrationCorrector


julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.add("QuadraticAberrationCorrector")


Import the package first.

julia> using QuadraticAberrationCorrector

When the following code is executed, the phase ϕ is corrected by the least squares algorithm and stored in ψ.

julia> ψ = CorrectAberration(ϕ)

When using the weighted least square algorithm, use the following function.

julia> ψ = WeightedCorrectAberration(ϕ, 10, 10)

For more information on the algorithm, please refer to the following reference.

Zhenkai Chen, Wenjing Zhou, Lian Duan, Hongbo Zhang, Huadong Zheng, Xinxing Xia, Yingjie Yu, and Ting-chung Poon, "Automatic elimination of phase aberrations in digital holography based on Gaussian 1σ- criterion and histogram segmentation," Opt. Express 31, 13627-13639 (2023)