
Author cometscome
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January 2024


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This calculates meanfields of the Hamiltonian with quadratic terms in superconductors. With the use of this package, you do not have to think about a matrix of the Hamiltonian that you want to consider. To construct the Hamiltonian, just add the operators.

We implemented two kinds of methods.

  • Chebyshev Polynomial method: Yuki Nagai, Yukihiro Ota, and Masahiko Machida, Efficient Numerical Self-Consistent Mean-Field Approach for Fermionic Many-Body Systems by Polynomial Expansion on Spectral Density, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 81, 024710 (2012)
  • Reduced-Shifted Conjugate-Gradient Method method: Yuki Nagai et al., Reduced-Shifted Conjugate-Gradient Method for a Green’s Function: Efficient Numerical Approach in a Nano-Structured Superconductor, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 86, 014708 (2017). In the RSCG method, we use the sparse modeling technique proposed by SparseIR.jl.

And also we implemented the following method:

    1. LK-BdG solver: Yuki Nagai, N-independent Localized Krylov–Bogoliubov-de Gennes Method: Ultra-fast Numerical Approach to Large-scale Inhomogeneous Superconductors J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 89, 074703 (2020)

We consider the Hamiltonian only with quadratic form terms in real space.

$$\hat{H} \equiv \sum_{i j} \sum_{\alpha \beta} H_{ij} c_{i \alpha}^{\dagger} c_{j \beta}$$


$$\hat{H}_{\rm BdG} \equiv \sum_{i j} \sum_{\alpha \beta} H_{ij} c_{i \alpha}^{\dagger} c_{j \beta} + \sum_{i j} \sum_{\alpha \beta} \bar{H}_{ij} c_{i \alpha} c_{j \beta}^{\dagger} + + \sum_{i j} \sum_{\alpha \beta} \Delta_{ij} c_{i \alpha}^{\dagger} c_{j \beta}^{\dagger} + \sum_{i j} \sum_{\alpha \beta} \bar{\Delta}_{ij} c_{i \alpha} c_{j \beta}$$

if the keyword isSC is true. Here $i$ and $j$ are indices of real-space grid and $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are indices of internal degree of freedom (like spins,orbitals or bands). If you want to consider a superconducting BdG Hamiltonian, you need the relations:

$$\begin{align} \bar{H}_{ij} &= - H_{ij}^{\ast}, \\\ \bar{\Delta}_{ij} &= \Delta_{ji}^{\ast}. \end{align}$$

Now this package can

  • construct the matrix of the Hamiltonian.
  • display the creation and anihilation operators in the Hamiltonian.
  • calculate meanfields defined as $\langle c_i^{\dagger} c_j \rangle$, $\langle c_i^{\dagger} c_j^{\dagger} \rangle$ , $\langle c_i c_j^{\dagger} \rangle$ and $\langle c_i c_j \rangle$. You can choose the Chebyshev polynomial method or RSCG method for calculating meanfields. Now only a Hermitian Hamiltonian is supported.
  • calculate Green's functions defined as $G_{ij}(z) \equiv \langle c_i^{\dagger} [z \hat{I} - \hat{H}]^{-1} c_j \rangle = \left[ [z \hat{I} - \hat{H}]^{-1} \right]_{ij}$. Here $z$ is a complex frequency. Now only a Hermitian Hamiltonian is supported. The local density of states can be caluculated by the imaginary part of diagonal elements of the Green's function.


add QuadraticHamiltonians

How to construct Hamiltonians

Normal states with single orbital

Let us consider a normal state 4-site Hamiltonian

julia> H = Hamiltonian(4)
Num. of sites: 4
Num. of internal degree of freedom: 1
H = 

We define operators

julia> c1 = FermionOP(1)

julia> c2 = FermionOP(2)

Then we can add operators

julia> H += 2.0*c1'*c1 + 3*c2'*c2 + 2*c1'*c2 + 2*(c1'*c2)'
Num. of sites: 4
Num. of internal degree of freedom: 1
H = +2.0C_{1,1}^+C_{1,1} +2.0C_{2,1}^+C_{1,1} +2.0C_{1,1}^+C_{2,1} +3.0C_{2,1}^+C_{2,1} 

There are two different ways for setting a value:

H[2, 1] = 21
H[c3', c1] = 42

We can regard H as a matrix. So you can do like

julia> x = rand(4)
4-element Vector{Float64}:

julia> H*x
4-element Vector{Float64}:

To get elements of the Hamiltonian, you can do like

a = H[1,2]


c1 = FermionOP(1)
c2 = FermionOP(2)
a = H[c1',c2]

If we want to consider the Hamiltonian whose elements are complex values, we define

julia> H = Hamiltonian(ComplexF64,4)
Num. of sites: 4
Num. of internal degree of freedom: 1
H = 

And we can add operators:

julia> H += 2.0*c1'*c1 + 3*c2'*c2 + exp(0.2*im)*c1'*c2 + (exp(0.2*im)*c1'*c2)' 
Num. of sites: 4
Num. of internal degree of freedom: 1
H = +2.0C_{1,1}^+C_{1,1} +(0.9800665778412416 - 0.19866933079506122im)C_{2,1}^+C_{1,1} +(0.9800665778412416 + 0.19866933079506122im)C_{1,1}^+C_{2,1} +3.0C_{2,1}^+C_{2,1} 

Normal states with multi orbitals

If we want to consider internal degree of freedom such as spins, orbitals and bands, we can define

julia> H = Hamiltonian(4,num_internal_degree=2)
Num. of sites: 4
Num. of internal degree of freedom: 2
H = 

Operators are defined as

julia> c1up = FermionOP(1,1)

julia> c1down = FermionOP(1,2)

julia> c2down = FermionOP(2,2)

Superconducting states

Let us use isSC to consider superconducting states.

julia> H = Hamiltonian(4,isSC=true)
Num. of sites: 4
Num. of internal degree of freedom: 1
Superconducting state
H = 
julia> H += -1*(c1'*c1 - c1*c1') + 0.2*c2'c2' + (0.2*c2'*c2')'
Num. of sites: 4
Num. of internal degree of freedom: 1
Superconducting state
H = -1.0C_{1,1}^+C_{1,1} +0.2C_{2,1}C_{2,1} +C_{1,1}C_{1,1}^+ +0.2C_{2,1}^+C_{2,1}^+ 

We can have a matrix form.

julia> H_sp = construct_matrix(H)
8×8 SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int64} with 4 stored entries:

Tight-binding model example

using QuadraticHamiltonians
function test2()
    N = 16
    ham = Hamiltonian(N)
    t = -1
    for i = 1:N
        ci = FermionOP(i)
        j = i + 1
        j += ifelse(j > N, -N, 0)
        cj = FermionOP(j)
        ham += t * ci' * cj

        j = i - 1
        j += ifelse(j < 1, N, 0)

        cj = FermionOP(j)
        ham += t * ci' * cj
    ham_matrix = construct_matrix(ham)

The output is

Num. of sites: 16
Num. of internal degree of freedom: 1
H = -1.0C_{1,1}^+C_{2,1} -1.0C_{1,1}^+C_{16,1} -1.0C_{2,1}^+C_{3,1} -1.0C_{2,1}^+C_{1,1} -1.0C_{3,1}^+C_{4,1} -1.0C_{3,1}^+C_{2,1} -1.0C_{4,1}^+C_{5,1} -1.0C_{4,1}^+C_{3,1} -1.0C_{5,1}^+C_{6,1} -1.0C_{5,1}^+C_{4,1} -1.0C_{6,1}^+C_{7,1} -1.0C_{6,1}^+C_{5,1} -1.0C_{7,1}^+C_{8,1} -1.0C_{7,1}^+C_{6,1} -1.0C_{8,1}^+C_{9,1} -1.0C_{8,1}^+C_{7,1} -1.0C_{9,1}^+C_{10,1} -1.0C_{9,1}^+C_{8,1} -1.0C_{10,1}^+C_{11,1} -1.0C_{10,1}^+C_{9,1} -1.0C_{11,1}^+C_{12,1} -1.0C_{11,1}^+C_{10,1} -1.0C_{12,1}^+C_{13,1} -1.0C_{12,1}^+C_{11,1} -1.0C_{13,1}^+C_{14,1} -1.0C_{13,1}^+C_{12,1} -1.0C_{14,1}^+C_{15,1} -1.0C_{14,1}^+C_{13,1} -1.0C_{15,1}^+C_{16,1} -1.0C_{15,1}^+C_{14,1} -1.0C_{16,1}^+C_{1,1} -1.0C_{16,1}^+C_{15,1} 
16×16 SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int64} with 32 stored entries:

2-dimensional s-wave superconductor

μ = -1.5
Nx = 128
Ny = 128
N = Nx * Ny
Δ = 0.5
ham = Hamiltonian(N, isSC=true)
t = -1
hops = [(+1, 0), (-1, 0), (0, +1), (0, -1)]
for ix = 1:Nx
    for iy = 1:Ny
        i = (iy - 1) * Nx + ix
        ci = FermionOP(i)
        for (dx, dy) in hops
            jx = ix + dx
            jx += ifelse(jx > Nx, -Nx, 0)
            jx += ifelse(jx < 1, Nx, 0)
            jy = iy + dy
            jy += ifelse(jy > Ny, -Ny, 0)
            jy += ifelse(jy < 1, Ny, 0)
            j = (jy - 1) * Nx + jx
            cj = FermionOP(j)
            ham += -1 * (ci' * cj - cj * ci')
        ham += -μ * (ci' * ci - ci * ci')
        ham += Δ * ci' * ci' + Δ * ci * ci

How to calculate meanfields

You can calculate meanfields. To calculate meanfields, we define the solver:

T = 0.1
m = Meanfields_solver(ham, T)

Then the RSCG method will be used. If we want to use the Chebyshev polynomial method, we define

m = Meanfields_solver(ham, T, method="Chebyshev", nmax=200)

If we want to use the LK-Chebyshev polynomial method, we define

m = Meanfields_solver(ham, T, method="Chebyshev", isLK=true, nmax=200)

For example, meanfield $\langle c_1 c_1 \rangle$ is calculated by

c1 = FermionOP(1)
Gij0 = calc_meanfields(m, c1, c1) #<c1 c1>

If we want to update the Hamiltonian, we can use

update_hamiltonian!(m, value, ci', ci')
update_hamiltonian!(m, value, ci, ci)

If we want to get the Hamiltonian, we can use

ham = get_hamiltonian(m)

How to calculate Green's functions or local density of states

If the Hamiltonian is expressed as the sum of the quadratic terms, the Green's function defined as

$$\begin{align} G_{ij}(z) \equiv \langle c_i^{\dagger} [z \hat{I} - \hat{H}]^{-1} c_j \rangle \end{align}$$

can be calculated by

$$\begin{align} G_{ij}(z) = \left[ (z \hat{I} - \hat{H})^{-1} \right]_{ij} \end{align}$$

The local density of states at site $i$ can be calculated by the Green's function:

$$\begin{align} N_i(\omega) = -\frac{1}{\pi} {\rm Im} \: \lim_{\eta \rightarrow 0+} G_{ii}(\omega + i \eta) \end{align}$$

In this package, the Green's function can be calculated by

z = 0.1 + 0.2im
i = 1
c1 = FermionOP(i)
Gij = calc_greenfunction(ham, z, c1', c1)

with the use of the RSCG method. Since the RSCG method can consider many complex frequencies simultaneously, we can calculate the Green's function with different frequencies $z_k$:

num = 200
zs = zeros(ComplexF64, num)
ene = range(-6, 6, length=num)
eta = 0.05
for i = 1:num
    zs[i] = ene[i] + im * eta
ix = Nx ÷ 2
iy = ix
i = (iy - 1) * Nx + ix
c1 = FermionOP(i)
Gij = calc_greenfunction(ham, zs, c1', c1)


s-wave superconductor

using QuadraticHamiltonians
using Plots
using BenchmarkTools

function main()
    μ = -1.5
    Nx = 128
    Ny = 128
    N = Nx * Ny
    Δ = 0.5
    ham = Hamiltonian(N, isSC=true)
    t = -1
    hops = [(+1, 0), (-1, 0), (0, +1), (0, -1)]
    for ix = 1:Nx
        for iy = 1:Ny
            i = (iy - 1) * Nx + ix
            ci = FermionOP(i)
            for (dx, dy) in hops
                jx = ix + dx
                jx += ifelse(jx > Nx, -Nx, 0)
                jx += ifelse(jx < 1, Nx, 0)
                jy = iy + dy
                jy += ifelse(jy > Ny, -Ny, 0)
                jy += ifelse(jy < 1, Ny, 0)
                j = (jy - 1) * Nx + jx
                cj = FermionOP(j)
                ham += -1 * (ci' * cj - cj * ci')
            ham += -μ * (ci' * ci - ci * ci')
            ham += Δ * ci' * ci' + Δ * ci * ci

    num = 200
    zs = zeros(ComplexF64, num)
    ene = range(-6, 6, length=num)
    eta = 0.05
    for i = 1:num
        zs[i] = ene[i] + im * eta
    ix = Nx ÷ 2
    iy = ix
    i = (iy - 1) * Nx + ix
    c1 = FermionOP(i)
    Gij = calc_greenfunction(ham, zs, c1', c1)
    plot(ene, -imag.(Gij) / π)

    T = 0.1
    m = Meanfields_solver(ham, T, method="Chebyshev", nmax=200)
    c1up = FermionOP(1)
    c1down = FermionOP(1)
    Gij0 = calc_meanfields(m, c1up, c1down) #<c1up c1down>
    @btime calc_meanfields($m, $c1up, $c1down) #<c1up c1down>
    println("Chebyshev: ", Gij0)
    m2 = Meanfields_solver(ham, T)
    Gij0 = calc_meanfields(m2, c1up, c1down) #<c1up c1down>
    @btime calc_meanfields($m2, $c1up, $c1down) #<c1up c1down>
    println("RSCG ", Gij0)

    m3 = Meanfields_solver(ham, T, method="Chebyshev", isLK=true, nmax=200)
    Gij0 = calc_meanfields(m3, c1up, c1down) #<c1up c1down>
    @btime calc_meanfields($m3, $c1up, $c1down) #<c1up c1down>
    println("Chebyshev with LKvectors: ", Gij0)


The output is

The solver is the Chebyshev polynomial method
  27.004 ms (10 allocations: 1.00 MiB)
Chebyshev: -0.1761175169590693
The solver is the RSCG
num. of Matsubara freqs. 24
  33.507 ms (6412 allocations: 37.76 MiB)
RSCG -0.17610594510770422 - 4.9649942910811176e-15im
The solver is the Chebyshev polynomial method
  20.113 ms (42 allocations: 2.13 MiB)
Chebyshev with LKvectors: -0.17611751734430567


self-consistent gap calculation

using QuadraticHamiltonians

function make_hamiltonian(Nx, Ny, μ, Δs)
    N = Nx * Ny
    ham = Hamiltonian(N, isSC=true)
    t = -1
    hops = [(+1, 0), (-1, 0), (0, +1), (0, -1)]
    for ix = 1:Nx
        for iy = 1:Ny
            i = (iy - 1) * Nx + ix
            ci = FermionOP(i)
            for (dx, dy) in hops
                jx = ix + dx
                jx += ifelse(jx > Nx, -Nx, 0)
                jx += ifelse(jx < 1, Nx, 0)
                jy = iy + dy
                jy += ifelse(jy > Ny, -Ny, 0)
                jy += ifelse(jy < 1, Ny, 0)
                j = (jy - 1) * Nx + jx
                cj = FermionOP(j)
                ham += -1 * (ci' * cj - cj * ci')
            ham += -μ * (ci' * ci - ci * ci')
            ham += Δs[i] * ci' * ci' + Δs[i] * ci * ci
    return ham

function update!(m, Δs)
    N, _ = size(m.hamiltonian)
    for i = 1:(N÷2)
        ci = FermionOP(i)
        update_hamiltonian!(m, Δs[i], ci', ci')
        update_hamiltonian!(m, Δs[i], ci, ci)

function main()
    Nx = 24
    Ny = 24
    μ = -0.2
    Δ0 = 0.5
    Δs = Δ0 * ones(Nx * Ny)
    Δsnew = similar(Δs)
    T = 0.02
    U = -2

    ham = make_hamiltonian(Nx, Ny, μ, Δs)
    m = Meanfields_solver(ham, T)

    for it = 1:100
        @time Gs = map(i -> calc_meanfields(m, FermionOP(i), FermionOP(i)), 1:Nx*Ny)
        Δsnew .= real(U * Gs)
        res = sum(abs.(Δsnew .- Δs)) / sum(abs.(Δs))
        println("$(it)-th $(Δsnew[1]) $res")
        if res < 1e-4
        update!(m, Δsnew)
        Δs .= Δsnew


The output is

The solver is the RSCG
num. of Matsubara freqs. 34
  1.357527 seconds (8.97 M allocations: 1.225 GiB, 7.59% gc time, 46.78% compilation time)
1-th 0.43392863318462976 0.13214274366572432
  0.827926 seconds (5.99 M allocations: 1.104 GiB, 5.64% gc time)
2-th 0.40181627897040467 0.07400376230129402
  0.881787 seconds (6.16 M allocations: 1.144 GiB, 5.09% gc time)
3-th 0.38493556921008637 0.04201103156997562
  0.884848 seconds (6.32 M allocations: 1.180 GiB, 5.40% gc time)
4-th 0.37568124638585454 0.024041167724526982
  0.891520 seconds (6.36 M allocations: 1.192 GiB, 5.27% gc time)
5-th 0.3704883477225273 0.013822612441196765
  0.889258 seconds (6.38 M allocations: 1.215 GiB, 4.45% gc time)
6-th 0.3675358557663468 0.007969231662928523
  0.904341 seconds (6.44 M allocations: 1.212 GiB, 5.19% gc time)
7-th 0.36584446964213757 0.004601915465106033
  0.946217 seconds (6.52 M allocations: 1.231 GiB, 5.29% gc time)
8-th 0.36487138389829876 0.0026599130537329862
  0.903315 seconds (6.49 M allocations: 1.224 GiB, 4.95% gc time)
9-th 0.36431012784136424 0.001538238218849528
  0.905315 seconds (6.52 M allocations: 1.232 GiB, 4.69% gc time)
10-th 0.3639859317169275 0.0008898496406517458
  0.904538 seconds (6.52 M allocations: 1.232 GiB, 4.80% gc time)
11-th 0.3637985531159851 0.0005148569471265923
  0.917017 seconds (6.56 M allocations: 1.240 GiB, 4.78% gc time)
12-th 0.36369015468817556 0.0002979221928351472
  0.945926 seconds (6.54 M allocations: 1.236 GiB, 5.33% gc time)
13-th 0.36362744231704996 0.00017239402356417755
  0.922917 seconds (6.50 M allocations: 1.225 GiB, 5.31% gc time)
14-th 0.3635911839621331 9.976804879798009e-5

s-wave superconductor with spins

using QuadraticHamiltonians
using Plots
using BenchmarkTools
function main2()
    μ = -1.5
    Nx = 128
    Ny = 128
    N = Nx * Ny
    Δ = 0.5
    ham = Hamiltonian(N, num_internal_degree=2, isSC=true)
    t = -1
    hops = [(+1, 0), (-1, 0), (0, +1), (0, -1)]
    for ix = 1:Nx
        for iy = 1:Ny
            i = (iy - 1) * Nx + ix
            for ispin = 1:2
                ci = FermionOP(i, ispin)
                jspin = ispin
                for (dx, dy) in hops
                    jx = ix + dx
                    jx += ifelse(jx > Nx, -Nx, 0)
                    jx += ifelse(jx < 1, Nx, 0)
                    jy = iy + dy
                    jy += ifelse(jy > Ny, -Ny, 0)
                    jy += ifelse(jy < 1, Ny, 0)
                    j = (jy - 1) * Nx + jx
                    cj = FermionOP(j, jspin)
                    ham += -1 * (ci' * cj - cj * ci')
                ham += -μ * (ci' * ci - ci * ci')
            ciup = FermionOP(i, 1)
            cidown = FermionOP(i, 2)
            ham += Δ * ciup' * cidown' + Δ * cidown * ciup
            ham += -Δ * cidown' * ciup' - Δ * ciup * cidown

    num = 200
    zs = zeros(ComplexF64, num)
    ene = range(-6, 6, length=num)
    eta = 0.05
    for i = 1:num
        zs[i] = ene[i] + im * eta
    ix = Nx ÷ 2
    iy = ix
    i = (iy - 1) * Nx + ix
    c1 = FermionOP(i, 1)
    Gij = calc_greenfunction(ham, zs, c1', c1)
    plot(ene, -imag.(Gij) / π)

    T = 0.1
    m = Meanfields_solver(ham, T, method="Chebyshev", nmax=200)
    c1up = FermionOP(1, 1)
    c1down = FermionOP(1, 2)
    Gij0 = calc_meanfields(m, c1up, c1down) #<c1up c1down>
    @btime calc_meanfields($m, $c1up, $c1down) #<c1up c1down>
    println("Chebyshev: ", Gij0)

    m2 = Meanfields_solver(ham, T)
    Gij0 = calc_meanfields(m2, c1up, c1down) #<c1up c1down>
    @btime calc_meanfields($m2, $c1up, $c1down) #<c1up c1down>
    println("RSCG ", Gij0)

    m3 = Meanfields_solver(ham, T, method="Chebyshev", isLK=true, nmax=200)
    Gij0 = calc_meanfields(m3, c1up, c1down) #<c1up c1down>
    @btime calc_meanfields($m3, $c1up, $c1down) #<c1up c1down>
    println("Chebyshev with LKvectors: ", Gij0)


The output is

The solver is the Chebyshev polynomial method
  49.120 ms (10 allocations: 2.00 MiB)
Chebyshev: 0.1761175169590693
The solver is the RSCG
num. of Matsubara freqs. 24
  63.067 ms (6412 allocations: 75.01 MiB)
RSCG 0.17610594510770403 + 4.955324870183428e-15im
The solver is the Chebyshev polynomial method
  21.877 ms (42 allocations: 4.25 MiB)
Chebyshev with LKvectors: 0.1761175173443056


Topological s-wave superconductor with the Zeeman term and the Rashba spin-orbit term

using QuadraticHamiltonians

function make_TSC_hamiltonian(Nx, Ny, μ, Δs, h, α, isPBC)
    N = Nx * Ny
    ham = Hamiltonian(ComplexF64, N, num_internal_degree=2, isSC=true)
    hops = [(+1, 0), (-1, 0), (0, +1), (0, -1)]
    for ix = 1:Nx
        for iy = 1:Ny
            i = (iy - 1) * Nx + ix
            for ispin = 1:2
                ci = FermionOP(i, ispin)
                σy = ifelse(ispin == 1, -im, im)
                σx = 1
                σz = ifelse(ispin == 1, 1, -1)

                for (dx, dy) in hops
                    jx = ix + dx
                    if isPBC
                        jx += ifelse(jx > Nx, -Nx, 0)
                        jx += ifelse(jx < 1, Nx, 0)
                    jy = iy + dy
                    if isPBC
                        jy += ifelse(jy > Ny, -Ny, 0)
                        jy += ifelse(jy < 1, Ny, 0)

                    if 1 <= jx <= Nx && 1 <= jy <= Ny
                        j = (jy - 1) * Nx + jx
                        jspin = ispin
                        cj = FermionOP(j, jspin)
                        ham += -1 * (ci' * cj - cj * ci')

                        jspin = ifelse(ispin == 1, 2, 1)
                        cj = FermionOP(j, jspin)

                        if dy == 0
                            if dx == 1
                                ham +=/ (2im)) * (ci' * cj - cj * ci') * σy
                                ham += -1 */ (2im)) * (ci' * cj - cj * ci') * σy
                        elseif dx == 0
                            if dy == 1
                                ham +=/ (2im)) * (ci' * cj - cj * ci') * σx
                                ham += -1 */ (2im)) * (ci' * cj - cj * ci') * σx
                ham += (-μ - h * σz) * (ci' * ci - ci * ci')
            ciup = FermionOP(i, 1)
            cidown = FermionOP(i, 2)
            ham += Δs[i] * ciup' * cidown' + Δs[i] * cidown * ciup
            ham += -Δs[i] * cidown' * ciup' - Δs[i] * ciup * cidown

    return ham

function update!(m, Δs)
    N, _ = size(m.hamiltonian)
    for i = 1:(N÷4)
        ciup = FermionOP(i, 1)
        cidown = FermionOP(i, 2)
        update_hamiltonian!(m, -Δs[i], ciup', cidown')
        update_hamiltonian!(m, Δs[i], cidown', ciup')
        update_hamiltonian!(m, Δs[i], ciup, cidown)
        update_hamiltonian!(m, -Δs[i], cidown, ciup)

function main()
    Nx = 16
    Ny = 16
    μ = 3.5
    Δ0 = 3
    Δs = Δ0 * ones(Nx * Ny)
    Δsnew = similar(Δs)
    T = 0.01
    U = -5.6
    h = 1
    α = 1

    isPBC = false
    ham = make_TSC_hamiltonian(Nx, Ny, μ, Δs, h, α, isPBC)
    m = Meanfields_solver(ham, T)

    for it = 1:100
        @time Gs = map(i -> calc_meanfields(m, FermionOP(i, 1), FermionOP(i, 2)), 1:Nx*Ny)
        Δsnew .= real(U * Gs)
        res = sum(abs.(Δsnew .- Δs)) / sum(abs.(Δs))
        println("$(it)-th $(Δsnew[1]) $res")
        if res < 1e-4
        update!(m, Δsnew)
        Δs .= Δsnew


The output is

The solver is the RSCG
num. of Matsubara freqs. 40
  1.079232 seconds (6.06 M allocations: 707.212 MiB, 16.58% gc time, 64.22% compilation time)
1-th -1.873023776160689 1.6271730164203106
  0.601234 seconds (4.04 M allocations: 846.823 MiB, 4.71% gc time)
2-th -1.4418945612222904 0.20965023882070202
  0.918474 seconds (5.74 M allocations: 1.242 GiB, 4.02% gc time)
3-th -1.2113675935614676 0.13563888454719064
  1.213072 seconds (7.08 M allocations: 1.605 GiB, 4.38% gc time)
4-th -1.0683848898677126 0.09725266043470575
  1.519615 seconds (8.41 M allocations: 1.988 GiB, 4.20% gc time)
5-th -0.9719173169890015 0.07520905143665893
  1.774157 seconds (9.26 M allocations: 2.261 GiB, 4.52% gc time)
6-th -0.9031937676953646 0.0614030514203067
  1.960240 seconds (9.93 M allocations: 2.480 GiB, 4.87% gc time)
7-th -0.8522993398753158 0.052088904542545035
  2.113638 seconds (10.48 M allocations: 2.672 GiB, 4.82% gc time)
8-th -0.8134640044396014 0.04536935661275386
  2.238472 seconds (10.90 M allocations: 2.814 GiB, 5.02% gc time)
9-th -0.7830935035525877 0.040207500802570885
  2.127559 seconds (10.55 M allocations: 2.707 GiB, 4.57% gc time)
10-th -0.7588369948792518 0.03600999926600642
  2.334611 seconds (11.38 M allocations: 2.977 GiB, 4.48% gc time)
11-th -0.7391008228944542 0.032434049930203365
  2.442818 seconds (11.64 M allocations: 3.064 GiB, 4.63% gc time)
12-th -0.7227749038266035 0.02928518035552862
  2.496474 seconds (11.85 M allocations: 3.135 GiB, 4.41% gc time)
13-th -0.709069155872567 0.026456030788754803
  2.483085 seconds (11.97 M allocations: 3.181 GiB, 3.93% gc time)
14-th -0.6974110355699145 0.02388799764731334
  2.495291 seconds (12.05 M allocations: 3.216 GiB, 3.89% gc time)
15-th -0.6873791072315169 0.0215479761914521
  2.542803 seconds (12.16 M allocations: 3.257 GiB, 4.01% gc time)
16-th -0.6786586888786034 0.019415153943493132
  2.587446 seconds (12.25 M allocations: 3.295 GiB, 4.06% gc time)
17-th -0.671011679282689 0.017474092388203903
  2.626588 seconds (12.35 M allocations: 3.335 GiB, 4.09% gc time)
18-th -0.6642555683053231 0.01571143747168237
  2.681020 seconds (12.46 M allocations: 3.373 GiB, 4.22% gc time)
19-th -0.6582486676185052 0.014114520535718768
  2.712846 seconds (12.44 M allocations: 3.368 GiB, 4.94% gc time)
20-th -0.6528795616656254 0.012670927816306929
  2.687108 seconds (12.47 M allocations: 3.385 GiB, 4.42% gc time)
21-th -0.648059496125448 0.01136845977752193
  2.698632 seconds (12.62 M allocations: 3.432 GiB, 4.16% gc time)
22-th -0.643716834307313 0.010195258886917814
  2.774037 seconds (12.60 M allocations: 3.431 GiB, 4.52% gc time)
23-th -0.6397929998696529 0.00913994023009275
  2.804256 seconds (12.72 M allocations: 3.478 GiB, 4.61% gc time)
24-th -0.6362394570260124 0.00819171955905381
  2.775846 seconds (12.89 M allocations: 3.538 GiB, 4.08% gc time)
25-th -0.63301548265852 0.007340492709279601
  2.812354 seconds (12.98 M allocations: 3.568 GiB, 4.28% gc time)
26-th -0.6300864856968793 0.006576883266048058
  2.825387 seconds (13.03 M allocations: 3.593 GiB, 3.97% gc time)
27-th -0.6274227436671878 0.005892252532124953
  2.830010 seconds (13.08 M allocations: 3.613 GiB, 3.93% gc time)
28-th -0.6249984477604995 0.005278692772073217
  2.877537 seconds (13.10 M allocations: 3.617 GiB, 4.20% gc time)
29-th -0.6227909814572898 0.004729001813477821
  2.814024 seconds (13.14 M allocations: 3.633 GiB, 3.63% gc time)
30-th -0.6207803405763253 0.004236642241088458
  2.844506 seconds (13.15 M allocations: 3.640 GiB, 3.96% gc time)
31-th -0.6189487129414846 0.0037957051360124226
  3.005532 seconds (13.16 M allocations: 3.642 GiB, 4.95% gc time)
32-th -0.6172801374355674 0.003400858384159586
  2.982854 seconds (13.17 M allocations: 3.646 GiB, 4.76% gc time)
33-th -0.6157602345110169 0.0030473007844825273
  2.929872 seconds (13.14 M allocations: 3.638 GiB, 4.32% gc time)
34-th -0.6143759966380645 0.0027307205386831934
  2.833398 seconds (13.16 M allocations: 3.644 GiB, 3.74% gc time)
35-th -0.6131156094137203 0.0024472404597514195
  2.948779 seconds (13.18 M allocations: 3.653 GiB, 4.51% gc time)
36-th -0.6119683239104643 0.002193392792552506
  2.935843 seconds (13.21 M allocations: 3.664 GiB, 4.45% gc time)
37-th -0.6109243302390619 0.001966063888845468
  2.944080 seconds (13.22 M allocations: 3.668 GiB, 4.50% gc time)
38-th -0.6099746645043274 0.0017624669009970566
  3.032381 seconds (13.22 M allocations: 3.668 GiB, 4.98% gc time)
39-th -0.6091111276751108 0.001580108345611027
  2.912560 seconds (13.27 M allocations: 3.687 GiB, 3.91% gc time)
40-th -0.6083262105712027 0.001416755095863366
  3.070945 seconds (13.28 M allocations: 3.694 GiB, 4.85% gc time)
41-th -0.6076130419061138 0.0012704129923773262
  2.959192 seconds (13.28 M allocations: 3.693 GiB, 4.50% gc time)
42-th -0.6069653199286934 0.00113929572631485
  3.039093 seconds (13.31 M allocations: 3.700 GiB, 4.66% gc time)
43-th -0.6063772737453785 0.0010218056690919832
  3.049923 seconds (13.32 M allocations: 3.704 GiB, 4.75% gc time)
44-th -0.6058436172654165 0.0009165157705025486
  3.028901 seconds (13.31 M allocations: 3.704 GiB, 4.65% gc time)
45-th -0.6053595096728797 0.0008221475370220531
  3.014559 seconds (13.32 M allocations: 3.707 GiB, 4.55% gc time)
46-th -0.6049205193354682 0.0007375584043463334
  3.013027 seconds (13.32 M allocations: 3.709 GiB, 4.51% gc time)
47-th -0.604522590849413 0.0006617273730522861
  3.065978 seconds (13.34 M allocations: 3.713 GiB, 4.85% gc time)
48-th -0.6041620163787921 0.000593740534829054
  2.998548 seconds (13.33 M allocations: 3.712 GiB, 4.67% gc time)
49-th -0.6038354056749607 0.0005327789447378642
  3.008589 seconds (13.34 M allocations: 3.715 GiB, 4.53% gc time)
50-th -0.6035396613195223 0.00047811220217767336
  2.984136 seconds (13.34 M allocations: 3.717 GiB, 4.27% gc time)
51-th -0.603271956206971 0.0004290844742470022
  2.986102 seconds (13.34 M allocations: 3.717 GiB, 4.31% gc time)
52-th -0.6030297098728377 0.0003851109026020435
  3.008851 seconds (13.35 M allocations: 3.718 GiB, 4.27% gc time)
53-th -0.6028105687238502 0.0003456655189107658
  2.926974 seconds (13.35 M allocations: 3.720 GiB, 3.93% gc time)
54-th -0.6026123890946519 0.0003102796361298741
  3.013989 seconds (13.36 M allocations: 3.721 GiB, 4.47% gc time)
55-th -0.6024332167560249 0.00027853279022410063
  2.925957 seconds (13.35 M allocations: 3.719 GiB, 4.07% gc time)
56-th -0.6022712741026642 0.00025004790660750666
  2.990428 seconds (13.35 M allocations: 3.722 GiB, 4.25% gc time)
57-th -0.6021249422723195 0.00022448825972236396
  2.993714 seconds (13.35 M allocations: 3.719 GiB, 4.50% gc time)
58-th -0.6019927502404482 0.00020155103761652473
  2.972320 seconds (13.35 M allocations: 3.719 GiB, 4.31% gc time)
59-th -0.6018733605571956 0.0001809666539966145
  2.998017 seconds (13.36 M allocations: 3.723 GiB, 4.52% gc time)
60-th -0.6017655584431989 0.00016249232065718839
  2.958357 seconds (13.35 M allocations: 3.718 GiB, 4.23% gc time)
61-th -0.6016682408866258 0.00014591021496670423
  2.954279 seconds (13.36 M allocations: 3.721 GiB, 4.15% gc time)
62-th -0.6015804069224595 0.0001310259234340552
  2.987971 seconds (13.36 M allocations: 3.723 GiB, 4.38% gc time)
63-th -0.6015011472832793 0.00011766420738475466
  2.967308 seconds (13.35 M allocations: 3.722 GiB, 4.31% gc time)
64-th -0.6014296388255697 0.00010566954846444353
  2.952684 seconds (13.35 M allocations: 3.721 GiB, 4.15% gc time)
65-th -0.6013651365577349 9.490118655278245e-5

Parallel computing

To use many cores, just use Distributed package.

using Distributed
@everywhere using QuadraticHamiltonians

In the case of the topological s-wave superconductor, the code is written as

function main()
    Nx = 16
    Ny = 16
    μ = 3.5
    Δ0 = 3
    Δs = Δ0 * ones(Nx * Ny)
    Δsnew = similar(Δs)
    T = 0.01
    U = -5.6
    h = 1
    α = 1
    isPBC = false

    ham = make_TSC_hamiltonian(Nx, Ny, μ, Δs, h, α, isPBC)
    m = Meanfields_solver(ham, T)

    for it = 1:100
        @time Gs = pmap(i -> calc_meanfields(m, FermionOP(i, 1), FermionOP(i, 2)), 1:Nx*Ny)
        Δsnew .= real(U * Gs)
        res = sum(abs.(Δsnew .- Δs)) / sum(abs.(Δs))
        println("$(it)-th $(Δsnew[1]) $res")
        if res < 1e-4
        update!(m, Δsnew)
        Δs .= Δsnew


The only difference is pmap.

The output is

julia -p 4 --project=../ self.jl
The solver is the RSCG
num. of Matsubara freqs. 40
  1.603179 seconds (1.33 M allocations: 126.028 MiB, 0.79% gc time, 25.78% compilation time)
1-th -1.873023776160689 1.6271730164203106
  0.192392 seconds (42.37 k allocations: 38.468 MiB, 2.00% gc time)
2-th -1.4418945612222904 0.20965023882070202
  0.270357 seconds (42.38 k allocations: 38.491 MiB, 0.99% gc time)
3-th -1.2113675935614676 0.13563888454719064
  0.344826 seconds (42.37 k allocations: 38.471 MiB, 0.30% gc time)
4-th -1.0683848898677126 0.09725266043470575
  0.424078 seconds (42.38 k allocations: 38.480 MiB, 0.29% gc time)
5-th -0.9719173169890015 0.07520905143665893
  0.482996 seconds (42.39 k allocations: 38.503 MiB, 0.26% gc time)
6-th -0.9031937676953646 0.0614030514203067
  0.524416 seconds (42.37 k allocations: 38.472 MiB, 0.27% gc time)
7-th -0.8522993398753158 0.052088904542545035
  0.567269 seconds (42.38 k allocations: 38.495 MiB, 0.22% gc time)
8-th -0.8134640044396014 0.04536935661275386
  0.602301 seconds (42.38 k allocations: 38.482 MiB)
9-th -0.7830935035525877 0.040207500802570885
  0.576101 seconds (42.38 k allocations: 38.477 MiB, 0.19% gc time)
10-th -0.7588369948792518 0.03600999926600642
  0.635709 seconds (42.38 k allocations: 38.475 MiB, 0.20% gc time)
11-th -0.7391008228944542 0.032434049930203365
  0.659751 seconds (42.38 k allocations: 38.492 MiB, 0.15% gc time)
12-th -0.7227749038266035 0.02928518035552862
  0.669727 seconds (42.38 k allocations: 38.491 MiB, 0.14% gc time)
13-th -0.709069155872567 0.026456030788754803
  0.679683 seconds (42.38 k allocations: 38.487 MiB, 0.14% gc time)
14-th -0.6974110355699145 0.02388799764731334
  0.687933 seconds (42.37 k allocations: 38.461 MiB, 0.14% gc time)
15-th -0.6873791072315169 0.0215479761914521
  0.697942 seconds (42.38 k allocations: 38.479 MiB, 0.14% gc time)
16-th -0.6786586888786034 0.019415153943493132
  0.723906 seconds (42.38 k allocations: 38.476 MiB)
17-th -0.671011679282689 0.017474092388203903
  0.726147 seconds (42.37 k allocations: 38.471 MiB, 0.16% gc time)
18-th -0.6642555683053231 0.01571143747168237
  0.731059 seconds (42.38 k allocations: 38.483 MiB, 0.16% gc time)
19-th -0.6582486676185052 0.014114520535718768
  0.726339 seconds (42.38 k allocations: 38.487 MiB, 0.16% gc time)
20-th -0.6528795616656254 0.012670927816306929
  0.730802 seconds (42.38 k allocations: 38.482 MiB, 0.15% gc time)
21-th -0.648059496125448 0.01136845977752193
  0.744700 seconds (42.37 k allocations: 38.462 MiB, 0.15% gc time)
22-th -0.643716834307313 0.010195258886917814
  0.739585 seconds (42.37 k allocations: 38.477 MiB, 0.14% gc time)
23-th -0.6397929998696529 0.00913994023009275
  0.749548 seconds (42.38 k allocations: 38.476 MiB, 0.16% gc time)
24-th -0.6362394570260124 0.00819171955905381
  0.756281 seconds (42.37 k allocations: 38.457 MiB, 0.17% gc time)
25-th -0.63301548265852 0.007340492709279601
  0.780807 seconds (42.39 k allocations: 38.504 MiB)
26-th -0.6300864856968793 0.006576883266048058
  0.787450 seconds (42.38 k allocations: 38.480 MiB, 0.13% gc time)
27-th -0.6274227436671878 0.005892252532124953
  0.782271 seconds (42.37 k allocations: 38.471 MiB, 0.14% gc time)
28-th -0.6249984477604995 0.005278692772073217
  0.775206 seconds (42.38 k allocations: 38.481 MiB, 0.14% gc time)
29-th -0.6227909814572898 0.004729001813477821
  0.781968 seconds (42.38 k allocations: 38.474 MiB, 0.14% gc time)
30-th -0.6207803405763253 0.004236642241088458
  0.786387 seconds (42.37 k allocations: 38.471 MiB, 0.14% gc time)
31-th -0.6189487129414846 0.0037957051360124226
  0.784794 seconds (42.38 k allocations: 38.479 MiB, 0.12% gc time)
32-th -0.6172801374355674 0.003400858384159586
  0.788380 seconds (42.38 k allocations: 38.498 MiB, 0.12% gc time)
33-th -0.6157602345110169 0.0030473007844825273
  0.796208 seconds (42.38 k allocations: 38.482 MiB)
34-th -0.6143759966380645 0.0027307205386831934
  0.783867 seconds (42.37 k allocations: 38.469 MiB, 0.12% gc time)
35-th -0.6131156094137203 0.0024472404597514195
  0.784699 seconds (42.38 k allocations: 38.487 MiB, 0.12% gc time)
36-th -0.6119683239104643 0.002193392792552506
  0.797728 seconds (42.38 k allocations: 38.476 MiB, 0.12% gc time)
37-th -0.6109243302390619 0.001966063888845468
  0.811322 seconds (42.37 k allocations: 38.466 MiB, 0.12% gc time)
38-th -0.6099746645043274 0.0017624669009970566
  0.798703 seconds (42.38 k allocations: 38.475 MiB, 0.18% gc time)
39-th -0.6091111276751108 0.001580108345611027
  0.804311 seconds (42.38 k allocations: 38.484 MiB, 0.14% gc time)
40-th -0.6083262105712027 0.001416755095863366
  0.802179 seconds (42.37 k allocations: 38.463 MiB, 0.14% gc time)
41-th -0.6076130419061138 0.0012704129923773262
  0.793821 seconds (42.38 k allocations: 38.480 MiB)
42-th -0.6069653199286934 0.00113929572631485
  0.803291 seconds (42.38 k allocations: 38.483 MiB, 0.12% gc time)
43-th -0.6063772737453785 0.0010218056690919832
  0.799485 seconds (42.37 k allocations: 38.476 MiB, 0.14% gc time)
44-th -0.6058436172654165 0.0009165157705025486
  0.797902 seconds (42.38 k allocations: 38.472 MiB, 0.14% gc time)
45-th -0.6053595096728797 0.0008221475370220531
  0.797214 seconds (42.37 k allocations: 38.472 MiB, 0.14% gc time)
46-th -0.6049205193354682 0.0007375584043463334
  0.797498 seconds (42.38 k allocations: 38.481 MiB, 0.13% gc time)
47-th -0.604522590849413 0.0006617273730522861
  0.800408 seconds (42.38 k allocations: 38.492 MiB, 0.12% gc time)
48-th -0.6041620163787921 0.000593740534829054
  0.795930 seconds (42.38 k allocations: 38.491 MiB, 0.11% gc time)
49-th -0.6038354056749607 0.0005327789447378642
  0.794780 seconds (42.37 k allocations: 38.463 MiB, 0.14% gc time)
50-th -0.6035396613195223 0.00047811220217767336
  0.793870 seconds (42.38 k allocations: 38.479 MiB)
51-th -0.603271956206971 0.0004290844742470022
  0.797897 seconds (42.38 k allocations: 38.477 MiB, 0.11% gc time)
52-th -0.6030297098728377 0.0003851109026020435
  0.801658 seconds (42.38 k allocations: 38.478 MiB, 0.13% gc time)
53-th -0.6028105687238502 0.0003456655189107658
  0.797855 seconds (42.38 k allocations: 38.487 MiB, 0.13% gc time)
54-th -0.6026123890946519 0.0003102796361298741
  0.797622 seconds (42.37 k allocations: 38.457 MiB, 0.10% gc time)
55-th -0.6024332167560249 0.00027853279022410063
  0.801957 seconds (42.37 k allocations: 38.468 MiB, 0.13% gc time)
56-th -0.6022712741026642 0.00025004790660750666
  0.801176 seconds (42.37 k allocations: 38.462 MiB, 0.10% gc time)
57-th -0.6021249422723195 0.00022448825972236396
  0.797505 seconds (42.38 k allocations: 38.482 MiB, 0.10% gc time)
58-th -0.6019927502404482 0.00020155103761652473
  0.796861 seconds (42.38 k allocations: 38.479 MiB)
59-th -0.6018733605571956 0.0001809666539966145
  0.803191 seconds (42.38 k allocations: 38.485 MiB, 0.13% gc time)
60-th -0.6017655584431989 0.00016249232065718839
  0.805552 seconds (42.38 k allocations: 38.483 MiB, 0.10% gc time)
61-th -0.6016682408866258 0.00014591021496670423
  0.800285 seconds (42.37 k allocations: 38.467 MiB, 0.11% gc time)
62-th -0.6015804069224595 0.0001310259234340552
  0.804897 seconds (42.38 k allocations: 38.469 MiB, 0.12% gc time)
63-th -0.6015011472832793 0.00011766420738475466
  0.796194 seconds (42.37 k allocations: 38.472 MiB, 0.12% gc time)
64-th -0.6014296388255697 0.00010566954846444353
  0.804151 seconds (42.38 k allocations: 38.481 MiB, 0.12% gc time)
65-th -0.6013651365577349 9.490118655278245e-5

Used By Packages

No packages found.