
A Julia implementation for quadratic interpolation method (QIM) and quadratic fitting method (QFM).
Author hyrodium
3 Stars
Updated Last
2 Months Ago
Started In
August 2024


A Julia implementation for quadratic interpolation method (QIM) and quadratic fitting method (QFM).

Stable Dev Build Status Coverage Aqua QA QuadraticOptimizer Downloads

Quadratic interpolation method is an optimization method by interpolating given evaluation points with a quadratic polynomial.

1-dim example

julia> using QuadraticOptimizer

julia> f(x) = sin(x) + x^2/10  # Function to minimize
f (generic function with 1 method)

julia> xs_init = [1.2, 0.1, -2.2]  # Initial points (3 points are required to construct parabola)
3-element Vector{Float64}:

julia> xs, fs = optimize_qim(f, xs_init, 10)  # Optimize 10 steps
([1.2, 0.1, -2.2, -1.4980661244174434, -1.2293686986818357, -1.3061365335230135, -1.3059492270208548, -1.3064424808417185, -1.3064400170208186, -1.306440099017006, -1.3066465256797584, -1.306452471584103, -1.3064400463690848], [1.0760390859672262, 0.10083341664682816, -0.32449640381959, -0.7729361131769432, -0.7911428696877567, -0.79458228390424, -0.7945821972306206, -0.7945823375579667, -0.7945823375615284, -0.7945823375615235, -0.7945823127123063, -0.7945823374710272, -0.7945823375615275])

julia> using Plots

julia> pl = plot(f; xlims=(-5,5), color=:red3, label="objective")

julia> plot!(pl, xs, fs; color=:blue3, label="iteration")

julia> scatter!(pl, xs_init, f.(xs_init); color=:blue3, label="initial points")

2-dim example

using QuadraticOptimizer
using StaticArrays
import Random
using Plots

f(p) = p[1]^2 + sin(p[1]) + 1.5p[2]^2 + sinh(p[2]) - p[1]*p[2]/5
xs_init = rand(6)
ys_init = rand(6)
ps_init = SVector.(xs_init, ys_init)
ps, fs = optimize_qim(f, ps_init, 20)
xs_plot = -3:0.1:3
ys_plot = -5:0.1:3
zs_plot = f.(tuple.(xs_plot', ys_plot))
plot(xs_plot, ys_plot, zs_plot; levels=-40:40, label="objective")
plot!([p[1] for p in ps], [p[2] for p in ps]; color=:blue2, label="iteration")
scatter!([p[1] for p in ps_init], [p[2] for p in ps_init], label="initial points")

using QuadraticOptimizer
using StaticArrays
import Random
using Plots

f(p) = p[1]^2 + sin(p[1]) + 1.5p[2]^2 + sinh(p[2]) - p[1]*p[2]/5
ps_init = [@SVector rand(2) for _ in 1:10]
ps = copy(ps_init)
ps, fs = optimize_qfm(f, ps, 20)
xs_plot = -3:0.1:3
ys_plot = -5:0.1:3
zs_plot = f.(tuple.(xs_plot', ys_plot))
plot(xs_plot, ys_plot, zs_plot; levels=-40:40, label="objective")
plot!([p[1] for p in ps], [p[2] for p in ps]; color=:blue2, label="iteration")
scatter!([p[1] for p in ps_init], [p[2] for p in ps_init], label="initial points")

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