
Array quantization and compression
Author zgornel
14 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
June 2019

Alt text

Array quantization and compression.

License Build Status Coverage Status




  • Vector quantization
using QuantizedArrays
v = collect(1:10);

# Use 3 quantization levels (always 1 codebook)
qv = QuantizedArray(v, k=3)
# 10-element QuantizedArray{QuantizedArrays.OrthogonalQuantization,UInt8,Distances.SqEuclidean,Int64,1}:
#   5
#   5
#   5
#   5
#   5
#   6
#   6
#   6
#  10
#  10
  • matrix quantization
using QuantizedArrays
m = reshape(collect(1:60), (6,10))
# 6×10 array{int64,2}:
#  1   7  13  19  25  31  37  43  49  55
#  2   8  14  20  26  32  38  44  50  56
#  3   9  15  21  27  33  39  45  51  57
#  4  10  16  22  28  34  40  46  52  58
#  5  11  17  23  29  35  41  47  53  59
#  6  12  18  24  30  36  42  48  54  60

# use 5 quantization levels (vectors) / codebook and 2 codebooks
qm = QuantizedArray(m, k = 5, m = 2)
# 6×10 QuantizedArray{QuantizedArrays.OrthogonalQuantization,UInt8,Distances.SqEuclidean,Int64,2}:
#   7   7  13  13  31  31  43  43  43  55
#   8   8  14  14  32  32  44  44  44  56
#   9   9  15  15  33  33  45  45  45  57
#  10  10  10  28  28  34  40  46  46  46
#  11  11  11  29  29  35  41  47  47  47
#  12  12  12  30  30  36  42  48  48  48


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The code has an MIT license and therefore it is free.

Reporting Bugs

This is work in progress and bugs may still be present...¯\(ツ)/¯ Do not worry, just open an issue to report a bug or request a feature.
