Julia wrapper library for the Questrade API. This library is desired to be as simple as possible.
I have implemented the bare minimum for my usage of the API, but contributions are welcomed. Adding routes is fairly simple.
The package is registered in the general Julia package registry.
]add QuestradeAPI
- accounts
- activities
- balances
- symbols information
- option chain
A refresh token needs to be generated (see Questrade API documentation). The token is then used to make requests to the api with the available methods, see below.
using QuestradeAPI
# To initialize a new token
token = QuestradeToken("Refresh Token", "Token Name", "Token Directory")
# To load an existing token
token = QuestradeToken("TokenName", "TokenDirectory")
using Dates
account = QuestradeAPI.get_accounts(token)[1]
activities = QuestradeAPI.get_activities(token, account["number"], Date(2023, 3, 20), Date(2023, 4, 27))
balances = QuestradeAPI.get_balances(token, account["number"])