
Author m0Cey
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Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
August 2023


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(This section is WIP)

RamseySpectroscopyCore.jl provides core toolset for simulating Rabi/Ramsey spectroscopy experiments. The main goal is to have ready-to-use, simple-to-understand modeling toolkit with experimenters in mind. Furthermore, it can be used as introduction to spectroscopy for people with little physics background or students.


To install RamseySpectroscopyCore.jl, use the Julia package manager:

julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.add("RabiRamseySpectroscopy")


(This section is WIP)

Lets start by creating our experement setup:

  1. Gas cell or a single atom - research object;

  2. Tunable laser - research instrument.

julia> using RabiRamseySpectroscopy
julia> atom = StateVector(0, 1)
julia> laser = PerturbEvol(0, 3.14, 1)

Now we want to pump our atom with a laser to excited energy level:

julia> pump!(atom, laser)

After that, atom needs to be probed with a second laser pulse to check a populaton of the excited state (or how many atoms in a gas cell are excited).

julia> probe(atom)

We'll get some value approximately close to 1 which means that laser frequency is resonant with transition frequency of an atom.

Congrats, you performed your first spectroscopy experement in Julia!


(This section is WIP)

If you want to help develop this package, you can do it via GitHub default instruments (pull requests, issues etc.) and/or contact me: sciencefloppa@gmail.com.

In additon, it is highly recommended to read or modify code of RamseySpectroscopyCore.jl with JuliaMono font installed. That way UTF-8 symbols will be displayed correctly.