Ever needed a range with startpoint 10, endpoint 121.7 and a step of 25? Well that is mathematically not possible, so you need to compromise. There are lots of options, you could relax the startpoint, endpoint or step. In the past doing this was annoying and prone to off-by-one-errors:
julia> Base.range(10, step=25, length=round(Int, (121.7-10)/25)); # is it correct??
RangeHelpers.jl aims to solve range construction headaches once and for all:
julia> using RangeHelpers: range
julia> using RangeHelpers
julia> range(start = 10, stop = 121.7, step = around(25)) # compromise on step
julia> range(start = 10, stop = 121.7, step = ≤(25)) # compromise step at most 25
julia> range(start = 10, stop = ≥(121.7), step = 25) # exact step, but allow bigger endpoint
julia> anchorrange(42, start = around(10), step = 25, stop = around(121.7)) # make sure 42 is on the grid
See the documentation for even more ways to make ranges.