
Dicts where the value may be a RecursiveDict, which are Dicts where the val
Author mnemnion
7 Stars
Updated Last
6 Months Ago
Started In
February 2024


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A RecursiveDict is a wrapped Dict, where values may always be a Dict (or RecursiveDict) with the same type parameters.

julia> rdict = RecursiveDict(:a => 1, :b =>2)
RecursiveDict{Symbol, Int64} with 2 entries:
  :a => 1
  :b => 2

julia> rdict[:c] = Dict(:d => 5, :e => 20)
Dict{Symbol, Int64} with 2 entries:
  :d => 5
  :e => 20

julia> rdict
RecursiveDict{Symbol, Int64} with 3 entries:
  :a => 1
  :b => 2
  :c => RecursiveDict{Symbol, Int64}(:d=>5, :e=>20)

julia> rdict[:f] = Dict("str" => 7)
MethodError: Cannot `convert` an object of type
  RecursiveDict{String, Int64} to an object of type
  Union{Int64, RecursiveDict{Symbol, Int64}}

Why Does the Type Signature Look Like That?

Type parameters express the free variables in the type. In a Dict{K,V}, the keytype and valtype are both free, so K and V are both the keytype and valtype, and the free parameters.

julia> d = Dict{Int,String}(1 => "one", 2 => "two")
Dict{Int64, String} with 2 entries:
  2 => "two"
  1 => "one"

julia> typeof(d)
Dict{Int64, String}

julia> keytype(d)

julia> valtype(d)

With a RecursiveDict, the free parameters are the keytype, and whatever value type other than that sort of RecursiveDict is allowed, so the above identity doesn't hold.

julia> rd = RecursiveDict{Int,String}(1 => "one", 2 => "two")
RecursiveDict{Int64, String} with 2 entries:
  2 => "two"
  1 => "one"

julia> typeof(rd)
RecursiveDict{Int64, String}

julia> keytype(rd)

julia> valtype(rd)
Union{String, RecursiveDict{Int64, String}}

This fact is why RecursiveDicts exists, since it makes it impossible to specify a recursive container without wrapping it in a struct.

What's the Point?

Types are good for a few things, one of those things is correctness: types can ensure that certain invariants always hold. A recursively-defined hashmap is a useful primitive for building tree structures, for instance, one might make a prefix tree (Trie) from RecursiveDict{String,String}. It's also the natural structure to build syntax trees, and many other common composite data types.

The RecursiveDict struct is nothing more than an immutable container around a Dict. The Julia compiler is very good at inferring through this kind of wrapper and inlining methods which act on it, so there should be no performance impact from using it.

It's possible that the compiler might be free to write more efficient code under some circumstances, although I wouldn't count on it. It does let you write more efficient code. Since, by construction, the type parameters of a RecursiveDict value will be the ones you expect, there's no need to check this.

The real reason this package exists is because, early in my Julia journey, I drove myself insane trying to write a type signature for a recursively defined Dict. I learned a lot about type parameters from the exercise, but had to give up, because it is not, in fact, possible.

Recursively-defined structs, on the other hand, are legal. Hence this package.

Should I Use It?

If you want a Dict where the valtype includes the same sort of Dict, absolutely! RecursiveDicts has a version of every test on Dict from Julia core, modified where necessary to reflect the semantic differences. Other than the obvious ones involving valtype, RecursiveDicts will not promote numeric types which differ to a common type (with the exception of Pairs passed during the original creation of the dict). That might be a bit surprising, but it's consistent with the valtype being a Union, Julia throws an error on code like convert(Union{Int,Symbol}, 4.0).

RecursiveDicts is a self-contained package, having no dependencies other than the stdlib.

convert(Dict, d::RecursiveDict) will return the wrapped Dict, which will continue to share contents with the original, and convert(RecursiveDict, d::Dict) is also defined, this makes it mostly painless to use a RecursiveDict wherever a Dict is expected. Many, probably most, methods with ::Dict in the signature, should actually have ::AbstractDict, so if you have the option, it's better to relax the signature (or submit a PR doing so) than to unwrap the RecursiveDict.