
Author andrewjradcliffe
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Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
July 2022



using Pkg


One has data arranged in an array, each slice of which corresponds to a single data point. Across slices, some information is repeated. This repeated information may be viewed as an index common to the non-repeated information of each slice. Let us consider cases in which the slices are arranged such that repetitions of an index are contiguous. In such a scenario, the non-repeated information forms a contiguous partition. We shall refer to this contiguous partition of value(s) under a common index as a tile. In the abstract, this tile is but one piece of the mosaic which is the host array.

As the contiguous repetition of an index across slices serves to demarcate the extent of a tile, one might naturally consider augmentation with an additional index which spans multiple tiles. We may view the additional index as defining a contiguous partition, the elements of which are themselves partitions defined by the original index. In other words, a tile of tiles. Thus, we arrive at the following abstraction: a tile is comprised of elements, and the demarcation of said tile occurs by the contiguous repetition of an index. Consequently, through augmentation with an index, we define a partitioning of elements; through multiple augmentations, we may recursively define partitions the elements of which are partitions. Construction then proceeds from the outermost index, which defines the outermost partition, which is then partitioned according to the next successive index, and so on.

This package provides composable types which provide a succinct method for construction of recursively tiled slices of arrays.


The recursive partitioning (by quantities which serve as indices) can be fruitfully expressed through a composition of types. The composite may then be used to direct the construction of tiles of arbitrary depth.

To direct the construction of individual tiles, one uses a Scheme, consisting of a transformation, f, which constructs the element of a tile, and a transformation, g, which constructs the index of the tile. A single tile may be constructed as tile(Scheme(f,g), A), or multiple tiles, using g to partition, as tiles(Scheme(f,g), A). An index may be added by extending the s = Scheme(f,g) by wrapping it as ExtendScheme(s, h) where s is the Scheme or ExtendScheme to which an index is being added and h is the transformation which constructs the index. In the presence of multiple indices, as indicated by the ExtendScheme type, one or more inner partitions exist, hence, a tile(ExtendScheme(s, h), A) call will partition A by the inner index, then call tile(s, B) on each partition B, ultimately returning a tile with outer index given by h and a vector of ≥ 1 tiles, each with their respective inner index. This proceeds recursively, such that an arbitrary number of indices may be added by extending via ExtendScheme wraps.

It can be tedious to write out each ExtendScheme wrap, hence, @scheme macro is provided to facilitate this, such that @scheme f g h1 h2 h3 is equivalent to ExtendScheme(ExtendScheme(ExtendScheme(Scheme(f, g), h1), h2), h3). The reader will likely agree that specification via the macro is also much easier to read.

Note that anything may serve as an index -- naturally one thinks in terms of, an Integer, or NTuple thereof, but no type-based limitations exist. One may choose to use, for example, Tuple{String, Int, Float64}, Vector{Any}, or any other type, if the application calls for it; the only requirement is that isequal(a,b) return a sensible result.

Type Interface

The AbstractTile type is a subtype of AbstractVector, hence, the interface for types returned by this package is that of AbstractArray; a small number of specializations (hash, ==, isequal, <, isless) exist so as to enable set operations, sorting, comparison, etc. to respect the presence of the index held by each tile. Such specializations would not normally be visible to the user, and, as applied here, serve only to encourage the user to treat Tiles as AbstractArrays.


  • As a tile is defined by contiguous repetition of some value (which we call an index) produced by the transformation of each slice, it can often be easier to achieve a given tiling by first transforming the array in the appropriate way, sorting it along the appropriate dimensions by the appropriate tuple(s), then finally constructing the tiling scheme. This may make it easier to reason about how the index (or indices) should be presented; naturally, this does not apply to the value in the base case (the value returned by f).
  • The recursive tiling defines partitions based on the transformation of each slice, not the literal values (though, we might specify a literal value, e.g. first). This means that non-contiguous occurrences of the same index belong to separate partitions. Note the contrast with a groupby operation, which would imply that all occurrences of the same index belong to the same partition.


In calls to both tile and tiles, A is assumed to be in the desired state, and will be treated as an AbstractArray. Commonly, this means using eachrow, eachcol or eachslice, such that one actually passes B = eachslice(A, dims=...).

The distinction between Scheme and ExtendScheme exists for signaling purposes. In the call to tile, a Scheme is always the base case, and signals that it should be applied to the entirety of A, whereas an ExtendScheme signals that A should be partitioned according to the inner index defined by the entity-being wrapped (e.s.g if ExtendScheme(Scheme), or e.s.h if ExtendScheme(ExtendScheme(...))), and the Scheme/ExtendScheme applied to each partition. Each partition consists of a contiguous range, across which g (or h) has the same value; hence, this value serves as the index of the partition.

tile(s, A)

  • When tile(s::AbstractScheme, A) is called, it is assumed that an outermost index applies to the entirety of A, and that the Scheme is to be applied to the entirety of A.
  • When tile(s::AbstractExtendScheme, A) is called, it is assumed that the outermost index applies to the entirety of A, and that the inner index -- the index of the Scheme/ExtendScheme being extended -- defines ≥ 1 ranges on A. These ranges are found, and the entity-being-wrapped is called on each contiguous range, thereby returning a tile of inner tiles bearing an outer index given by h.
  • If g::Nothing, no index exists for the tile. If h::Nothing, this is simply a no-op and the entity-being-wrapped is unwrapped and passed to tile.
  • If a Scheme without an index (i.e. s = Scheme(f, nothing)) is wrapped in an ExtendScheme with an outer index (i.e. e = ExtendScheme(s, h)), then this is equivalent to the outer index being on the Scheme itself, hence, this could be expressed as Scheme(f, h).

tiles(s, A)

  • When tiles(s::AbstractScheme, A) is called, the index is assumed to define ≥ 1 ranges on A; these are found and the Scheme is then called on each contiguous slice, producing a vector of tiles, each of which bears the index which defined its contiguous slice.
  • When tiles(s::AbstractExtendScheme, A) is called, the behavior is the same: the outer index (defined by h) is assumed to define ≥ 1 ranges on A, which are then found and the ExtendScheme is then called on each contiguous slice.



As a simple example, consider a matrix in which the second and third columns contain indices which may be used to partition the matrix. Under normal circumstances, one might not use an f which is applied to the entire slice, but here we opt for sum as this produces distinct values which aids the illustration.

julia> second(x) = x[begin+1];

julia> A = [10 1 1
            20 1 1
            30 1 1
            10 2 1
            20 2 1
            30 2 2
            10 3 2
            20 3 2
            10 4 2
            20 4 2];

julia> B = eachrow(A);

julia> s = @scheme sum second last;

# This partitions by `second` only (as the call is via `tile`), yielding
# 4 total tiles.

julia> x = tile(s, B)
4-element Tile{Vector{Tile{Vector{Int64}, Int64, Tuple{Int64}, Int64, 1}}, Tile{Vector{Int64}, Int64, Tuple{Int64}, Int64, 1}, Tuple{Int64}, Int64, 1}:
 [12, 22, 32]
 [13, 23, 34]
 [15, 25]
 [16, 26]

julia> x.I

julia> (x...,)
([12, 22, 32], [13, 23, 34], [15, 25], [16, 26])

julia> getproperty.(x, :I)
4-element Vector{Tuple{Int64}}:

# This partitions by `last`, then partitions each resultant slice by `second`,
# yielding 2 tiles, the first of which consists of 2 tiles and and the second
# of which consists of 3 tiles.

julia> xs = tiles(s, B)
2-element Vector{Tile{Vector{Tile{Vector{Int64}, Int64, Tuple{Int64}, Int64, 1}}, Tile{Vector{Int64}, Int64, Tuple{Int64}, Int64, 1}, Tuple{Int64}, Int64, 1}}:
 [[12, 22, 32], [13, 23]]
 [[34], [15, 25], [16, 26]]

julia> getproperty.(xs, :I)
2-element Vector{Tuple{Int64}}:

julia> map(x -> getproperty.(x, :I), xs)
2-element Vector{Vector{Tuple{Int64}}}:
 [(1,), (2,)]
 [(2,), (3,), (4,)]

Sort before tiling

As an example where it may be necessary to sort the array prior to tiling, consider the following matrix.

julia> second(x) = x[begin+1]; third(x) = x[begin+2];

julia> A = [1 7 1 'a'
            1 7 2 'a'
            1 8 1 'b'
            1 8 1 'c'
            2 7 1 'c'
            2 7 1 'a'
            2 7 2 'b'
            2 7 2 'c'
            2 7 2 'b'
            1 8 1 'b'
            1 8 2 'a'
            1 8 2 'c'
            1 7 1 'b'
            1 7 2 'a'
            1 8 3 'a'

# Here, it is necessary to first sort the array in order to form contiguous repetitions.
# Conversely, if the contiguous repetitions of the original array are intentional,
# then sorting would destroy said structure.
julia> A′ = sortslices(A, dims=1, by=x -> (x[1], x[2], x[3]))
15×4 Matrix{Any}:
 1  7  1  'a'
 1  7  1  'b'
 1  7  2  'a'
 1  7  2  'a'
 1  8  1  'b'
 1  8  1  'c'
 1  8  1  'b'
 1  8  2  'a'
 1  8  2  'c'
 1  8  3  'a'
 2  7  1  'c'
 2  7  1  'a'
 2  7  2  'b'
 2  7  2  'c'
 2  7  2  'b'

julia> s = @scheme last third second first;

julia> B′ = eachrow(A′);

julia> xs = tiles(s, B′)
2-element Vector{Tile{Vector{Tile{Vector{Tile{Vector{Char}, Char, Tuple{Int64}, Int64, 1}}, Tile{Vector{Char}, Char, Tuple{Int64}, Int64, 1}, Tuple{Int64}, Int64, 1}}, Tile{Vector{Tile{Vector{Char}, Char, Tuple{Int64}, Int64, 1}}, Tile{Vector{Char}, Char, Tuple{Int64}, Int64, 1}, Tuple{Int64}, Int64, 1}, Tuple{Int64}, Int64, 1}}:
 [[['a', 'b'], ['a', 'a']], [['b', 'c', 'b'], ['a', 'c'], ['a']]]
 [[['c', 'a'], ['b', 'c', 'b']]]

julia> x1, x2 = xs;

julia> x1
2-element Tile{Vector{Tile{Vector{Tile{Vector{Char}, Char, Tuple{Int64}, Int64, 1}}, Tile{Vector{Char}, Char, Tuple{Int64}, Int64, 1}, Tuple{Int64}, Int64, 1}}, Tile{Vector{Tile{Vector{Char}, Char, Tuple{Int64}, Int64, 1}}, Tile{Vector{Char}, Char, Tuple{Int64}, Int64, 1}, Tuple{Int64}, Int64, 1}, Tuple{Int64}, Int64, 1}:
 [['a', 'b'], ['a', 'a']]
 [['b', 'c', 'b'], ['a', 'c'], ['a']]

julia> x2
1-element Tile{Vector{Tile{Vector{Tile{Vector{Char}, Char, Tuple{Int64}, Int64, 1}}, Tile{Vector{Char}, Char, Tuple{Int64}, Int64, 1}, Tuple{Int64}, Int64, 1}}, Tile{Vector{Tile{Vector{Char}, Char, Tuple{Int64}, Int64, 1}}, Tile{Vector{Char}, Char, Tuple{Int64}, Int64, 1}, Tuple{Int64}, Int64, 1}, Tuple{Int64}, Int64, 1}:
 [['c', 'a'], ['b', 'c', 'b']]

# Let's look at the indices
julia> x1.I, x2.I
((1,), (2,))

julia> getproperty.(x1, :I)
2-element Vector{Tuple{Int64}}:

julia> getproperty.(x2, :I)
1-element Vector{Tuple{Int64}}:

julia> map(x -> getproperty.(x, :I), x1)
2-element Vector{Vector{Tuple{Int64}}}:
 [(1,), (2,)]
 [(1,), (2,), (3,)]

julia> map(x -> getproperty.(x, :I), x2)
1-element Vector{Vector{Tuple{Int64}}}:
 [(1,), (2,)]

Various AbstractArrays; multidimensional

The methods apply are agnostic to the particular subtype of AbstractArray, as demonstrated by the somewhat contrived examples below.

julia> second(x) = x[begin+1]; third(x) = x[begin+2];

julia> r = -12:12;

julia> A = reshape(r, 5, 5)
5×5 reshape(::UnitRange{Int64}, 5, 5) with eltype Int64:
 -12  -7  -2  3   8
 -11  -6  -1  4   9
 -10  -5   0  5  10
  -9  -4   1  6  11
  -8  -3   2  7  12

julia> B = eachcol(A);

julia> s = @scheme sum signbit  third;

julia> xs = tiles(s, B)
2-element Vector{Tile{Vector{Int64}, Int64, Tuple{Bool}, Bool, 1}}:
 [-50, -25]
 [0, 25, 50]

julia> x1, x2 = xs;

julia> x1
2-element Tile{Vector{Int64}, Int64, Tuple{Bool}, Bool, 1}:

julia> x2
3-element Tile{Vector{Int64}, Int64, Tuple{Bool}, Bool, 1}:

julia> x1.I, x2.I
((true,), (false,))

julia> using OffsetArrays

julia> oA = reshape(r, -2:2, -3:1)
5×5 OffsetArray(reshape(::UnitRange{Int64}, 5, 5), -2:2, -3:1) with eltype Int64 with indices -2:2×-3:1: -12  -7  -2  3   8
 -11  -6  -1  4   9
 -10  -5   0  5  10
  -9  -4   1  6  11
  -8  -3   2  7  12

julia> ob = eachcol(oA);

julia> xs == tiles(s, oB)

# More than one dimension; this keeps the partition function simple for clarity

julia> r = -13:13

julia> A = reshape(r, 3, 3,3)
3×3×3 reshape(::UnitRange{Int64}, 3, 3, 3) with eltype Int64:
[:, :, 1] =
 -13  -10  -7
 -12   -9  -6
 -11   -8  -5

[:, :, 2] =
 -4  -1  2
 -3   0  3
 -2   1  4

[:, :, 3] =
 5   8  11
 6   9  12
 7  10  13

julia> B = eachslice(A, dims=(2,3))
3×3 Slices{Base.ReshapedArray{Int64, 3, UnitRange{Int64}, Tuple{}}, Tuple{Colon, Int64, Int64}, Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64}, Base.OneTo{Int64}}, SubArray{Int64, 1, Base.ReshapedArray{Int64, 3, UnitRange{Int64}, Tuple{}}, Tuple{Base.Slice{Base.OneTo{Int64}}, Int64, Int64}, true}, 2}:
 [-13, -12, -11]  [-4, -3, -2]  [5, 6, 7]
 [-10, -9, -8]    [-1, 0, 1]    [8, 9, 10]
 [-7, -6, -5]     [2, 3, 4]     [11, 12, 13]

julia> s = @scheme sum signbit  second;

julia> xs = tiles(s, B)
2-element Vector{Tile{Vector{Int64}, Int64, Tuple{Bool}, Bool, 1}}:
 [-36, -27, -18, -9]
 [0, 9, 18, 27, 36]

julia> x1, x2 = xs;

julia> x1 == sum.(B[1:4])

julia> x2 == sum.(B[5:9])

julia> vcat(xs...) == vec(sum(A, dims=1))

# And one last example, just for fun

julia> s = @scheme sum x -> abs(sum(x)) > 9;

julia> xs = tiles(s, B)
3-element Vector{Tile{Vector{Int64}, Int64, Tuple{Bool}, Bool, 1}}:
 [-36, -27, -18]
 [-9, 0, 9]
 [18, 27, 36]

julia> getproperty.(xs, :I)
3-element Vector{Tuple{Bool}}:

julia> x1, x2, x3 = xs;

julia> x1 == sum.(B[1:3])

julia> x2 == sum.(B[4:6])

julia> x3 == sum.(B[7:9])

julia> vcat(xs...) == vec(sum(A, dims=1))


As originally indicated in the Project.toml, this package requires at least Julia 1.9, which provides an updated eachslice which returns a type which conforms to the AbstractArray interface. In Julia 1.8 and older, eachslice returns an iterator, which does not permit efficient partitioning algorithms; expect the methods in this package to throw accordingly.

Note that while it is not supported, it may be feasible in some circumstances to use this package with Julia 1.8 and older by calling collect on the iterator returned by eachslice. Lack of support side, the author does not recommend such a practice due to the substantial performance degradation it entails.