
Send code to your Julia REPL.
Author Klafyvel
12 Stars
Updated Last
7 Months Ago
Started In
February 2024


Well, listen up, folks! REPLSmuggler.jl just slipped into your cozy REPL like a shadow in the night.

Stable Dev Build Status Coverage Aqua


REPLSmuggler is meant to evaluate code coming from various clients in your REPL. The main goal is for an editor to send a bunch of lines of code with some metadata giving the name of the file and the line. REPLSmuggler will evaluate the code and send back the return value. If an error is raised, it will send the traceback to the client.


For now functionalities are quite basic:

using REPLSmuggler

See also

Have a look at the companion plugin for NeoVim.

Used By Packages

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