
Julia package for finding robust shortest paths
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February 2015


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Robust Shortest Path Finder for the Julia Language.

This package provides functions to find robust shortest paths. Please see the reference papers below.


julia> Pkg.add("RobustShortestPath")

This will also install LightGraphs.jl, if you don't have it installed in your Julia system already.

To check if works

julia> Pkg.test("RobustShortestPath")


This function solves the robust shortest path problem proposed by Bertsimas and Sim (2003) and integrates the idea of Lee and Kwon (2014).


This function solves the robust shortest path problem with two multiplicative uncertain cost coefficients proposed by Kwon et al. (2013).


Example network and data from Kwon et al. (2013):

The above network data should be prepared in the column vector form as follows:

data = [
 1   4  79   31  66  28;
 1   2  59   97  41  93;
 2   4  31   21  50  40;
 2   3  90   52  95  38;
 2   5   9   23  95  59;
 2   6  32   57  73   7;
 3   9  89  100  38  21;
 3   8  66   13   4  72;
 3   6  68   95  58  58;
 3   7  47   12  56  20;
 4   3  14   19  36  84;
 4   9  95   65  88  42;
 4   8  88   13  62  54;
 5   3  44    8  62  53;
 5   6  83   66  30  19;
 6   7  33    3   7   8;
 6   8  37   99  29  46;
 7  11  79   54  23   3;
 7  12  10   37  35  43;
 8   7  95   71  85  56;
 8  10   0   95  16  64;
 8  12  30   38  16   3;
 9  10   5   69  51  71;
 9  11  44   60  60  17;
10  13  79   78  16  59;
10  14  91   59  64  61;
11  14  53   38  84  77;
11  15  80   85  78   6;
11  13  56   23  26  85;
12  15  75   80  31  38;
12  14   1  100  18  40;
13  14  48   28  45  33;
14  15  25   71  33  56;

start_node = data[:,1] #first column of data
end_node = data[:,2] #second column of data
p = data[:,3] #third
q = data[:,4] #fourth
c = data[:,5] #fifth
d = data[:,6] #sixth

For a single-coefficient case as in Bertsimas and Sim (2003):

using RobustShortestPath
robust_path, robust_x, worst_case_cost = get_robust_path(start_node, end_node, c, d, Gamma, origin, destination)

The result will look like:

([1,4,8,12,15],[1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0    0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0],295)

For a two-coefficient case as in Kwon et al. (2013):

using RobustShortestPath
robust_path, robust_x, worst_case_cost = get_robust_path_two(start_node, end_node, p, q, c, d, Gamma_u, Gamma_v, origin, destination)

The result should look like:

([1,4,3,7,12,14,15],[1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1    0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1],25314.0)

See runtest.jl for more information.


This package also provides an interface to dijkstra_shortest_paths of LightGraphs.jl.

path, x = get_shortest_path(start_node, end_node, link_length, origin, destination)


This package is written and maintained by Changhyun Kwon.

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