Function and scripts to generate input files for the ROMS ocean model
Author Alexander-Barth
13 Stars
Updated Last
4 Months Ago
Started In
September 2020


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documentation latest


Install ROMS.jl in julia 1.6 or later with the folling command executed in julia:

using Pkg
Pkg.add(url="", rev="master")

Data sources

The following data sources have been tested:

Download scripts for ECMWF data are in examples.

Contributions to add other data sources are welcome!


Documentation is available here.


Thanks to Hernan G. Arango and John Wilkin from the ROMS/TOMS Group for the matlab scripts to process the ECMWF fields and vertical coordinate transformations (released under a MIT/X style license) and Pierrick Penven for the matlab script allowing to smooth the bathymetry (released under the GPL).