
Implementation of the "Regression and Other Stories" examples using Turing.jl and Pluto.jl notebooks.
Author RegressionAndOtherStoriesJulia
8 Stars
Updated Last
11 Months Ago
Started In
March 2022




After many years I have decided to step away from my work with Stan and Julia. My plan is to be around until the end of 2024 for support if someone decides to step in and take over further development and maintenance work.

At the end of 2024 I'll archive the different packages and projects included in the Github organisations StanJulia, StatisticalRethingJulia and RegressionAndOtherStoriesJulia if no one is interested (and time-wise able!) to take on this work.

I have thoroughly enjoyed working on both Julia and Stan and see both projects mature during the last 15 or so years. And I will always be grateful for the many folks who have helped me on numerous occasions. Both the Julia and the Stan community are awesome to work with! Thanks a lot!


This project will contain (work is in early stages of progress!) a set of Pluto notebooks that contain Julia versions of the examples in the R project ROS-Examples based on the book "Regression and Other Stories" by A Gelman, J Hill and A Vehtari.

These notebooks are intended to be used in conjunction with above book.

Each notebook contains a chapter. In the pdfs directory there are also PDF versions of the chapters created with PlutoPDF (see

Personal note

This project will take quite a while to complete, I expect at least a year. But it has a special meaning to me: When I started to work on Julia interfaces for Stan's cmdstan binary in 2011, I did that to work through the "ARM" book. The "ROS" book in a sense the successor to the ARM book.


  1. A functioning Julia.
  2. A minimal Julia base environment containing Pkg and Pluto.

Setup the Pluto based ROSTuringPluto notebooks

To (locally) use this project, do the following:

Select and download ROSTuringPluto.jl from RegressionAndOtherStoriesJulia, e.g. to clone it to the ~/.julia/dev/ROSTuringPluto directory:

$ cd ~/.julia/dev
$ git clone ROSTuringPluto
$ cd ROSTuringPluto/notebooks # Move to the (downloaded) notebook directory
$ julia # Start Julia REPL

Still in the Julia REPL, start a Pluto notebook server.

julia> using Pluto

A Pluto page should open in a browser. See this page for a quick Pluto introduction.

Select a notebook in the open a file entry box, e.g. type ./ and select chapters Select a chapter notebook and press open.