Julia package for ANOVA type I/II/III
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SASLMR.jl is Julia package, it wrapp sasLM package for R project for ANOVA type I/II/III.


import Pkg; Pkg.add(url="")


SASLMR.jl doesn't install sasLM. To use SASLMR.jl first install sasLM in your R project enviroment. Check that R project is included in PATH, and check that RCall.jl builded successfully.


using SASLMR
using StatsModels, StatsBase, DataFrames

# data (DataFrame)
bedf = SASLMR.bedata()

# run ANOVA
beaov = SASLMR.aov(@formula(CMAX ~  PRD + TRT + SEQ + SUBJ&SEQ), bedf; beta=true, resid=true, type = "III")

# get DF
beaovdf = DataFrame(beaov.ct)

# or get coeftable

ct = coeftable(beaov)

Also functions: aov1, aov2, aov3 can be used in the same way:

beaov = SASLMR.aov3(@formula(CMAX ~  PRD + TRT + SEQ + SUBJ&SEQ), bedf; beta=true, resid=true)

AOVSumm fields:

  • heading

  • ct

  • parameters

  • fitted

  • residual

For more details see:

SASLMR.jl not cover all sasLM functionality... so... wellcome any PR for extending.

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