is a Julia package to facilitate the generation of scalar types. Primarily,Scalar defines an abstract type, AbstractScalar
, and a number of methods overloaded for that for its subtypes. The list of overloaded methods includes the following: size
, eltype
, ndims
, length
, endof
, getindex
, first
, last
, start
, next
, done
, isempty
, map
, filter
. These methods are a subset of the methods defined for the abstract type Number
, where those methods that imply a numerical nature of the subtypes are excluded. Additionally, the method filter
is included here, where it was not specifically defined for Number
Dual licensing (GPLv3, alternate commercial) - See
Installation: julia> Pkg.clone( "" )
To define a new scalar type:
type MyScalar <: AbstractScalar
using Base.Test
a = MyScalar()
@test length( a ) == 1
@test size( a ) == ()
@test map( identity, a ) == a
@test filter( x->isa( x, MyScalar ), a ) == a
@test filter( x->! isa( x, MyScalar ) == nothing