Scene Graphs for abstract (acyclic) representation of 3D Worlds. Designed for 3D engines built upon OpenGL, DirectX, or Vulkan.
SceneGraphs is a relatively complex project under the hood, exposing a simplified API to operate with in your applications. Refer to the documentation for more details.
using SceneGraphs
abstract type AbstractEntity end
struct Entity <: AbstractEntity
transform::SpriteTransform{Entity, Float64}
Entity() = Entity(SpriteTransform())
let scene = Scene3D(), ntt1 = Entity(), ntt2 = Entity(), ntt3 = Entity()
push!(scene, ntt1)
parent!(ntt3, ntt2)
parent!(ntt2, ntt1)
translate!(ntt1, 1, 2, 3)
translate!(ntt2, 2, 3, 4)
rotate!(ntt2, deg2rad(45))
scale!(ntt3, 2)