SciPy.jl is a Julia interface for SciPy using PyCall.jl.
You can use many useful scientific functions of SciPy from Julia codes.
Julia 1.6 or higher.
using Pkg; Pkg.add("SciPy")
and then just import it with using SciPy
If you want to use latest development code:
import Pkg; Pkg.add(Pkg.PackageSpec(name="SciPy", rev="master"))
What to do if installation failed?
Read an error message you get carefully. Since SciPy.jl depends on PyCall.jl to call Python functionalities from Julia, we also recommend to read Specifying the Python version section of PyCall.jl.
See also this instruction_1 and instruction_2 in this issue
using SciPy
using PyPlot # Pkg.add("PyPlot")
points1 = rand(15, 2)
points2 = rand(15, 2)
figure(figsize=(6, 6))
plot(points1[:, 1], points1[:, 2], "xk", markersize=14)
plot(points2[:, 1], points2[:, 2], "og", markersize=14)
kd_tree1 = spatial.KDTree(points1)
kd_tree2 = spatial.KDTree(points2)
indexes = kd_tree1.query_ball_tree(kd_tree2, r=0.2)
for i in 1:length(indexes)
for j in indexes[i]
plot([points1[i, 1], points2[j+1, 1]], [points1[i, 2], points2[j+1, 2]], "-r")
You can check latest documentation here: