Numerically reduces semidefinite programming problems by exploiting their symmetry. Input is in vectorized standard form
sup/inf dot(C,x)
subject to Ax = b,
Mat(x) is positive semidefinite/doubly nonnegative,
where C
and b
are vectors and A
is a matrix.
Simply run
pkg> add SDPSymmetryReduction # Press ']' to enter the Pkg REPL mode.
The function admPartSubspace
determines an optimal admissible partition subspace for the problem. This is done using a randomized Jordan-reduction algorithm, and it returns a Jordan algebra (closed under linear combinations and squaring). SDPs can be restricted to such a subspace without changing their optimal value.
The function blockDiagonalize
determines a block-diagonalization of a (Jordan)-algebra given by a partition P
using a randomized algorithm.
For more details, see the documentation.
Let Adj
be an adjacency matrix of an (undirected) graph G
. Then the Theta'-function of the graph is given by
sup dot(J,X)
subject to dot(Adj,X) = 0,
dot(I,X) = 1,
X is positive semidefinite,
X is entry-wise nonnegative,
where J
is the all-ones matrix, and I
the identity. Then we can exploit the symmetry of the graph and calculate this function by
using SDPSymmetryReduction
using LinearAlgebra, SparseArrays
using JuMP, MosekTools
# Theta' SDP
N = size(Adj,1)
C = ones(N^2)
A = hcat(vec(Adj), vec(Matrix(I, N, N)))'
b = [0, 1]
# Find the optimal admissible subspace (= Jordan algebra)
P = admPartSubspace(C, A, b, true)
# Block-diagonalize the algebra
blkD = blockDiagonalize(P, true)
# Calculate the coefficients of the new SDP
PMat = hcat([sparse(vec(P.P .== i)) for i = 1:P.n]...)
newA = A * PMat
newB = b
newC = C' * PMat
# Solve with optimizer of choice
m = Model(Mosek.Optimizer)
# Initialize variables corresponding parts of the partition P
# >= 0 because the original SDP-matrices are entry-wise nonnegative
x = @variable(m, x[1:P.n] >= 0)
@constraint(m, newA * x .== newB)
@objective(m, Max, newC * x)
psdBlocks = sum(blkD.blks[i] .* x[i] for i = 1:P.n)
for blk in psdBlocks
if size(blk, 1) > 1
@constraint(m, blk in PSDCone())
@constraint(m, blk .>= 0)
@show termination_status(m)
@show value(newC * x)
There are more examples in the documentation.
for the relevant reference(s).