
SegyIO.jl provides methods to read, write, and scan SEGY datasets.
Author slimgroup
16 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
October 2019


SegyIO is a Julia package for reading and writing SEGY Rev 1 files. In addition to providing tools for reading/writing entire files, SegyIO provides a parallel scanner that reduces any number of files into a single object with direct out-of-core access to the underlying data.

Build Status

A video demonstrating the package's capabilities has been made available here.


SegyIO is a registered package and can be installed directly from the julia package manager (] in the julia REPL) :

 add SegyIO


SegyIO is implemented for POSIX systems. For Cloud storage, use CloudSegyIO.jl, the Cloud storage extension of SegyIO.

Required Packages