
C# style generators a.k.a. semi-coroutines for Julia. Fork of Ben Lauwens' ResumablFunctions.jl
Author QuantumSavory
7 Stars
Updated Last
2 Years Ago
Started In
April 2023

A shortlived fork of ResumableFunctions -- all changes are now upstreamed to the original and the original is now actively maintained once more.


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C# has a convenient way to create iterators using the yield return statement. The package Semicoroutines provides the same functionality for the Julia language by introducing the @resumable and the @yield macros. These macros can be used to replace the Task switching functions produce and consume which were deprecated in Julia v0.6. Channels are the preferred way for inter-task communication in julia v0.6+, but their performance is subpar for iterator applications. See the benchmarks section below.

Semicoroutines.jl is a fork Ben Lauwens' of ResumableFunctions.jl.

using Semicoroutines

@resumable function fibonacci(n::Int) :: Int
  a = 0
  b = 1
  for i in 1:n
    @yield a
    a, b = b, a+b

for fib in fibonacci(10)


  • In a try block only top level @yield statements are allowed.
  • In a finally block a @yield statement is not allowed.
  • An anonymous function can not contain a @yield statement.

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