When dealing with categorical data, things like autocorrelation function are not defined. This is what this module is for : computing categorical serial dependences.
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The module mostly implements the methods described in C. Weiss's book "An Introduction to Discrete-Valued Time Series" (2018) [1], with some extras. It contains three main functions :
Main functions
All the module's functions require a 'lag's
input : 'lags'
can be an Int
, or an Array{Int,1}
if you want to do a serial dependence plot. The function then returns a Float64
or an Array{Float64,1}
depending on 'lags'
being an Int
or Array{Int,1}
cramer_coefficient(series, lags)
: measures average association between elements of'series'
at timet
and timet + lags
. Cramer's k is an unsigned measurement : its values lies in [0,1], 0 being perfect independence and 1 perfect dependence. k can be bias, for more infos, refer to [1]. -
cohen_coefficient(series, lags)
: measures average agreement between elements of'series'
at timet
and timet + lags
Cohen's k is a signed measurement : its values lie in [-pe/(1 -pe), 1], with positive (negative) values indicating positive (negative) serial dependence at 'lags'. pe is probability of agreement by chance. -
theils_u(series, lags)
: measures average portion of information known about'series'
att + lags
given that'series'
is known at timet
. U is an unsigned measurement: its values lies in [0,1], 0 meaning no information shared and 1 complete knowledge (determinism).
Usefull extras
bootstrap_CI(Series, lags, coef_func, n_iter = 1000)
: Returns top and bottom limit for a 95% confidence interval at values of 'lags'.'coef_func'
is the function for which the CI needs to be computed. Possible values : 'cramer_coefficient, cohen_coefficient, theils_u'.'n_iter'
controls how many iterations are run during the bootstrap process. Large'n_iter'
, means more precision but also more compute time.
: This is a visual test of "stationarity" : if it varies linearly, then the time-series can be considered as stationary. Returns anarray
. Each of the internal array represents one of the categories in'Series'
and describes it's evolution rate.
Using the pewee birdsong data (1943) one can do a serial dependence plot using Cohen's cofficient as follow :
using DelimitedFiles
using SerialDependence
using Plots
#reading 'pewee' time-series test folder.
series = readdlm("test\\pewee.txt",',')[1,:]
lags = collect(1:25)
v = cohen_coefficient(series, lags)
t, b = bootstrap_CI(series, cramer_coefficient, lags)
a = plot(lags, v, xlabel = "Lags", ylabel = "K", label = "Cramer's k")
plot!(a, lags, t, color = "red", label = "Limits of 95% CI"); plot!(a, lags, b, color = "red", label = "")
[] Implement bias correction for cramer's v
[1] DOI : 10.1002/9781119097013