
Calculate SF36 and SF12 results
Author PharmCat
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1 Year Ago
Started In
January 2023


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    sf36(v::AbstractVector; version = :v1)

Calculate SF36 results for vector of answers v.

version keyword:

  • :v1 - General US population (Ware, John & MA, Kosinski & Keller, S.D.. (1993). SF-36 Physical and Mental Health Summary Scales: a User's Manual. 8. 23-28.)
  • :v2 - Correlated scores (Grassi, M. and Nucera, A. (2010), Dimensionality and Summary Measures of the SF-36 v1.6: Comparison of Scale- and Item-Based Approach Across ECRHS II Adults Population. Value in Health, 13: 469-478.)

No other available yet.

Vector v mapping:

1,33:36 - General Health(GH) - 1, 11a:11d

3:12 - Physical functioning (PF) - 3a:3j

13:16 - Role-Physical Functioning (RP) - 4a:4d

17:19 - RoleEmotional (RE) - 5a:5c

20,32 - Social Functioning (SF) - 6,10

21,22 - Bodily pain (BP) - 7,8

24:26,28,30 - Mental Health (MH) - 9b:9d, 9f, 9h

23,27,29,31 - Vitality (VT) - 9a, 9e, 9g, 9i


Also SF12 available:



  • Ware, John & MA, Kosinski & Keller, S.D.. (1993). SF-36 Physical and Mental Health Summary Scales: a User's Manual. 8. 23-28.
  • Ware, John & Kosinski, M. & Gandek, B.. (1993). SF-36 Health Survey: Manual & Interpretation Guide. Lincoln, RI: QualityMetric Incorporated.
  • Jenkinson C, Stewart-Brown S, Petersen S, Paice C. Assessment of the SF-36 version 2 in the United Kingdom. J Epidemiol Community Health. 1999 Jan;53(1):46-50. doi: 10.1136/jech.53.1.46. PMID: 10326053; PMCID: PMC1756775.