
Julia bindings to SG-t-SNE-Π
Author fcdimitr
17 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
June 2021

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We provide a Julia interface, i.e., a wrapper to SG-t-SNE-Π, which is a high-performance software for swift embedding of a large, sparse graph into a d-dimensional space (d = 1,2,3) on a shared-memory computer.


To install SG-t-SNE-Π through Julia, issue

] add SGtSNEpi

⚠️ SGtSNEpi is currently not working on Windows and native M1 Macs: Either use WSL2 on Windows or use the package via rosetta2 on M1 Macs.

See the full documentation for more details.


If you use this software, please cite the following paper:

    author = {Pitsianis, Nikos and Iliopoulos, Alexandros-Stavros and Floros, Dimitris and Sun, Xiaobai},
    doi = {10.1109/HPEC.2019.8916505},
    booktitle = {IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference},
    month = {11},
    title = {{Spaceland Embedding of Sparse Stochastic Graphs}},
    year = {2019}

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