
Simple Immediate-Mode Graphical User Interface (IMGUI) library in Julia.
Author JuliaImGui
3 Stars
Updated Last
6 Months Ago
Started In
March 2022


Simple Immediate-Mode Graphical User Interface (IMGUI) library in Julia.

This package is not documented yet. However, the following video (slightly outdated) should help with the conceptual understanding of the immediate mode implementation in this package:

Getting Started

To test the example

  1. Clone the repository
git clone
  1. Go to the examples directory and run the julia REPL
julia --project=.
  1. Instantiate the project after going into Pkg mode
(examples) pkg> instantiate
  1. Exit the REPL and run example.jl with the Project.toml and Manifest.toml files in the examples directory
julia --project=. example.jl

This will open a window and you can interact with the widgets present in it. Here is a screenshot


  1. example/mandrill.png:

Required Packages

Used By Packages

No packages found.