
Package to load all my other "Simple" packages
Author scheinerman
6 Stars
Updated Last
7 Months Ago
Started In
May 2016



This is a starting point for my collection of Julia modules for graph theory computing (and related topics) available on github at

Here is a brief overview of my modules:

Graph Theory modules

  • SimpleGraphs: Defines the SimpleGraph and SimpleDigraph types together with a variety of constructors, functions for manipulating the graphs (e.g. adding/deleting vertices/edges), and functions to ascertain properties of these graphs (such as shortest paths between given vertices).
  • DrawSimpleGraphs: Provides a draw function to visualize graphs. (Replaces SimpleGraphDrawings.)
  • SimpleGraphAlgorithms: Additional functions whose operation relies on integer linear programming.
  • SimpleGraphRepresentations: Intersection graphs and the like.

Paritally ordered set modules

  • SimplePosets: Provides the SimplePoset type for working with partially ordered sets.
  • SimplePosetAlgorithms: Additional functions for the SimplePoset type. These functions rely on integer linear programming.

Other useful modules

These are useful in their own right and some of the Simple modules rely on them:

  • SimpleGF2: Defines the GF2 type which represents an element from the finite field GF(2); that is, the mod 2 field consisting of just the numbers 0 and 1. This package includes standard arithmetic and extensions for matrices.
  • SimplePartitions: Work with set partitions.
  • BigCombinatorics: Counting functions.
  • SimpleRandom: Create random things.
  • SimpleDrawing: Extension to Plots for line segments, arcs of circles, etc.
  • ClosedIntervals: Defines the ClosedInterval data type that represent closed intervals of real numbers (or integers). Includes some basic functions and operations on closed intervals.
  • Permutations: Defines the Permutation data type and functions/operations for dealing with permutations of finite sets of the form {1,2,...,n}.
  • SimplePartitions: Partitions of finite sets.
  • HyperbolicPlane: Work in the Poincaré disk model.
  • Counters: Count things.
  • Multisets: Unordered finite collections with repetition allowed.
  • RingLists: Lists that wrap around.
  • ShowSet: Loading this module overrides the usual way Julia displays sets. The usual way Julia displays a Set (or IntSet) looks like this:
julia> A = Set([1,2,3])

After using ShowSet it looks like this:

julia> A = Set([1,2,3])
  • SimpleTools: Miscellaneous, useful functions that don't have a natural home.
  • SimpleTropical: An implementation of tropical (min-plus) arithmetic.


The following diagram illustrates how my primary modules depend on one another. Dependencies for my modules

Loading my favorite modules

The src directory contains a startup.jl file that can be installed easily with the script (also in src). The shell script copies starup.jl to ~/.julia/config/startup.jl. After launching Julia, the function SimpleFavorites() will execute a series of using ... commands. (The list of packages loaded may vary based on my personal preferences.)

$ julia
│ Use SimpleFavorites() to load standard packages │
   _       _ _(_)_     |  Documentation:
  (_)     | (_) (_)    |
   _ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type "?" for help, "]?" for Pkg help.
  | | | | | | |/ _` |  |
  | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 1.0.0 (2018-08-08)
 _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Official release
|__/                   |

julia> SimpleFavorites()
[ Info: using Permutations
[ Info: using SimplePartitions
[ Info: using SimpleGraphs
[ Info: using BigCombinatorics
[ Info: using Polynomials
[ Info: using SimpleGF2
[ Info: using ShowSet
[ Info: using Primes
[ Info: using SimpleRandom
[ Info: using Multisets
[ Info: using Counters


Erasing and starting over

From time to time, I have found it useful to utterly wipe out my ~/.julia directory and start over. The file src/Rebuild-All-Packages.jl contains the function load_all() to fetch all my favorite stuff from GitHub and repopulate my ~/.julia.

Alternatively, I can do this:

pkg> dev

julia> using SimpleWorld

julia> load_all()