
Author NittanyLion
5 Stars
Updated Last
2 Years Ago
Started In
June 2022


Stable Dev Build Status


Smartphores.jl provides the standard semaphores machinery with the sole distinction that smartphores provide ids to available slots. This can be helpful if one has allocated $n$ chunks of memory that are to be shared, so a call to acquire then returns an integer value that indicates which chunk is assigned, which should be released using release.

There are only three calls:

Smartphore( size :: Int ) creates

acquire( s :: Smartphore ) acquires a permit and returns its id

release( s :: Smartphore, permitid :: Int ) releases the permit

All of this is a mild hack of the standard Julia Semaphore machinery found in lock.jl. The same MIT license applies.

Here is a simple example to demonstrate:

using Smartphores

function howthisworks( n )
    blocks = [ zeros(5) for i ∈ 1:n ]
    s = Smartphore( n )
    Threads.@threads for i ∈ 1 : 20
        local a = acquire( s )
        println( "thread $(Threads.threadid()) says: block $a is mine, all mine" )
        blocks[a] .= i
        println( "thread $(Threads.threadid()) says: I'm giving block $a back" )
        release( s, a )
    for a ∈ 1:n
        println( blocks[a] )

howthisworks( 3 )

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