
Several variants of snake games written in Julia
Author JuliaReinforcementLearning
3 Stars
Updated Last
11 Months Ago
Started In
July 2020

Please see more games in GridWorlds.jl


Stable Dev Build Status

This package provides some basic variants of the snake game.

Basic Usage

pkg> add SnakeGames

julia> using SnakeGames

julia> play()

Single snake and single food. The snake can move through the boundary.

game = SnakeGame(;walls=[
    CartesianIndex.(1, 1:8)...,
    CartesianIndex.(8, 1:8)...,
    CartesianIndex.(1:8, 1)...,
    CartesianIndex.(1:8, 8)...]) 


Add boundaries to the game. The game stop when the snake hits the wall.

game = SnakeGame(;n_snakes=2)


2 snakes and 1 food. Game stop when two snake eat the same food.

A known bug is that, two snakes of length 1 can move across each other.

game = SnakeGame(;n_snakes=3, n_foods=5)


3 snakes and 5 foods. Game stop when one snake hits another.

In fact, we can have many snakes and foods.

And even in the 3D mode. (TODO: add a picture.)

Inner Representation

By default, a vector of 2*n_snakes+2 bits is used to represent the current state of each grid.

  • The first n_snakes bits are used to mark which snakes' head occupy the grid.
  • The following up n_snakes bits are used to mark which snakes' body occupy the grid.
  • The last two bits are used to mark whether this grid is occupied by wall/food or not.

You can access it via game.board and use it in your own algorithms.

Used By Packages

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