
Julia module to test the performance of sorting algorithms.
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Updated Last
2 Years Ago
Started In
December 2012

SortPerf.jl: Module to test the performance of sorting algorithms

The purpose of this module is to test the performance of the different sort (and related) algorithms in Julia. See for an example output from Version 0.3.0-prerelease+125.

Run with:

std_sort_tests(;sort_algs=SortPerf.sort_algs,   # [InsertionSort, HeapSort, MergeSort, 
                                                #     QuickSort, RadixSort, TimSort]
                types=SortPerf.std_types,       # [Int32, Int64, Int128, Float32, Float64, String]
                range=6:20,                     # Array size 2^6 through 2^20, by powers of 2
                replicates=3,                   #
                lt::Function=isless,            # \
                by::Function=identity,          #  | sort(...) options
                rev::Bool=false,                #  |
                order::Ordering=Forward,        # /
                save::Bool=false,               # create and save timing tsv and pdf plot
                prefix="sortperf")              # prefix for saved files

You can also test individual algorithms with

sortperf(Algorithm(s), data, [size,] [replicates=xxx])

Some examples:

sortperf(QuickSort, Int, 10_000)               # Test QuickSort on 10,000 random ints
sortperf(MergeSort, [Float32, String], 6:2:10) # Test MergeSort on 2^6, 2^8, and 2^10 float 32s and strings
sortperf([QuickSort, MergeSort, TimSort],      # Test QuickSort, MergeSort, and TimSort on 
         [Int, Float32, Float64, String],      # Arrays of Int, Float32, Float64, and String
         6:20;                                 # ranging from 2^6 elements to 2^20 elements, by 
         replicates=5)                         # powers of 2, and run each test 5 times

Ordering parameters accepted by sort!(...) will be passed through.

Sorting Tests

The actual tests run include sorting arrays with the following characteristics:

  • random
  • sorted
  • reversed
  • sorted, but with 3 random exchanges
  • sorted, with 10 random values appended
  • 4 unique values
  • all equal
  • quicksort median killer: first half descending, second half ascending

The tests were inspired by similar tests used by sortperf in Python. See for more details.

Suggestions based on basic tests

Here is a table and some notes on the Julia implementations of the various algorithms. The table indicates the recommended sort algorithm for the given size (small < ~2^12 (=8,192) items < large) and type (string, floating point, or integer) of data.

  • Random means that the data is permuted randomly.
  • Structured here means that the data contains partially sorted runs (such as when adding random data to an already sorted array).
  • Few unique indicates that the data only contains a few unique values.
(Un)stable (small) Stable (small) (Un)stable (large) Stable (large) In-place (large)
- Random M M M M Q
- Structured M M T T Q
- Few Unique Q M Q M Q
- Random Q M R R Q
- Structured M M T T Q
- Few Unique Q M Q R Q
- Random Q M R R Q
- Structured Q M uT R/T Q
- Few Unique Q M R R Q


Symbol Algorithm
H HeapSort
I InsertionSort
M MergeSort
Q QuickSort
T TimSort
uT TimSortUnstable
R RadixSort

Current Recommendations

  • Except for pathological cases, small arrays are sorted best with QuickSort (unstable) or `MergeSort`` (stable)

  • When sorting large arrays with sections of already-sorted data, use TimSort. The only structured case it does not handle well is reverse-sorted data with large numbers of repeat elements. An unstable version of TimSort (to be contributed to Julia soon) will handle this case

  • For numerical data (Ints or Floats) without structure, RadixSort is the best choice, except for 1) 128-bit values, or 2) 64-bit integers which span the full range of values.

  • When memory is tight, QuickSort is the best in-place algorithm. If there is concern about pathological cases, use HeapSort. All stable algorithms use additional memory, but TimSort is (probably) the most frugal.

  • Composite types may behave differently. If sorting is important to your application, you should test the different algorithms on your own data. This package facilitates that.