
Author eschnett
2 Stars
Updated Last
2 Years Ago
Started In
June 2022


Multi-dimensional sparse grid quadrature in Julia


Let us integrate the function f(x) = 3 x⋅x over the four-dimensional cube [-1; +1]^4:

julia> using SparseGridQuadrature

julia> lmax = 10

julia> quad = SGQuadrature{4,Float64}(lmax);

julia> f(x) = 3 * sum(x.^2)
f (generic function with 1 method)

julia> quadsg(f, Float64, quad)
(result = 64.00048828125, nevals = 84481)

This uses a sparse sampling grid with 2^9 points along each direction. The Sparse Grid approximation reduces the total number of grid points from (2^9)^4 = 2^36 ≈ 7*10^10 points to only 84481 points, while retaining a comparable level of accuracy.

SGQuadrature{D,S}(lmax) creates a sparse grid quadrature method for D dimensions, where coordinates have type S. lmax is the number of refinement levels. lmax levels correspond to N = 2^(lmax-1)+1 points along each direction.

The total number of quadrature points is approximately N log2(N)^(D-1), and the expected relative error is approximately log2(N)^(D-1) / N^2. That is, up to logarithmic terms, the total number of points is of the same order as the number of points along each edge, and convergence is quadratic.

The second argument to quadsg, here Float64, describes the return type of the quadrature.

Specifying the quadrature domain

If the quadrature domain is not the unit cube, then the quadrature method quad should be updated:

julia> using SparseGridQuadrature

julia> lmax = 10

julia> quad = SGQuadrature{4,Float64}(lmax);

julia> transform_domain_size!(quad);

julia> f(x) = 3 * sum(x.^2)
f (generic function with 1 method)

julia> quadsg(f, Float64, quad, (0,0,0,0), (1,1,1,1))
(result = 4.000007629394531, nevals = 84481)

You can instead also update the quadrature method quad:

julia> using SparseGridQuadrature

julia> lmax = 10

julia> quad = SGQuadrature{4,Float64}(lmax);

julia> transform_domain_size!(quad, (0,0,0,0), (1,1,1,1));

julia> f(x) = 3 * sum(x.^2)
f (generic function with 1 method)

julia> quadsg(f, Float64, quad)
(result = 4.000007629394531, nevals = 84481)

Chebyshev-Gauss quadrature

The quadrature method can also be updated to use a Chebyshev-Gauss quadrature instead of the standard trapezoidal rule:

julia> using SparseGridQuadrature

julia> lmax = 14

julia> quad = SGQuadrature{4,Float64}(lmax);

julia> transform_chebyshev_gauss!(quad);

julia> transform_domain_size!(quad, (0,0,0,0), (1,1,1,1));

julia> f(x) = 3 * sum(x.^2)
f (generic function with 1 method)

julia> quadsg(f, Float64, quad)
(result = 3.9995680385705787, nevals = 178177)

Unfortunately, this is less accurate than the simple trapezoidal rule, although more evaluation points are used. I assume the reason is that a sparse grid quadrature already emphasizes the boundary points, which already captures much of the advantage of the Chebyshev-Gauss rules which also clusters points near the boundary. Also, switching to a Chebyshev-Gauss rule then spreads out the points in the interior requiring more points overall (a larger lmax).

Note the order in which the two transformations (the Chebyshev-Gauss transformation and the change of integration domain) are applied. The domain size transformation appears last, which means it will be the first transformation that is visible to the integration kernel.

Tanh-sinh quadrature

The quadrature method can also be updated to use a tanh-sinh quadrature instead of the standard trapezoidal rule. This is useful when the integrand is singular at the boundary:

julia> using SparseGridQuadrature

julia> lmax = 14

julia> quad = SGQuadrature{4,Float64}(lmax);

julia> transform_tanh_sinh!(quad);

julia> f(x) = 1 / sqrt(prod(1 .- x .^ 2))
f (generic function with 1 method)

julia> quadsg(f, Float64, quad)
(result = 97.40908811445765, nevals = 178177)

The expected result is π^4 = 97.40909103400243, the quadrature error is 3⋅10^-8.

Other examples

The test cases contains additional examples, including more examples of integrating singular functions.


Thomas Gerstner, Michael Griebel, "Numerical integration using sparse grids", Numerical Algorithms 18, 209 (1998), DOI 10.1023/A:1019129717644.

Related work

Sparse grid quadrature for "Gaussian" integrals: SparseGrids.jl

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