
SparseMatrices as a vector of SparseVectors
1 Star
Updated Last
3 Years Ago
Started In
April 2016


This packages provides an alternative implementation of SparseMatrices that maintains a vector of SparseVectors. Such an implementation is best used when all matrix operations require access to just one column each.


using SparseVectorMatrix

# Random Generation
a = svmrand(100, 100, 0.1)

# Getindex
a[:, 1]                      # Returns an entire column quickly
a[1, :]                      # Returns an entire row, but slowly.

# SetIndex
a[:, 1] = 1:100              # Assign an entire column quickly.
a[1, :] = 1:100              # Assign an entire row, by slowly.

b = svmrand(100, 100, 0.1)
hcat(a, b)                   # Concatenates horizontally. Very fast.
vcat(a, b)                   # Concatenates vertically. Not as fast.

arr = [svmrand(100, 100, 0.1) for i in 1:4]
hvcat((2,2), arr..)          # Grid Concatenation. Quite fast.

What's supported?

  • svmrand (Similar to sprand)
  • getindex
  • setindex
  • hcat
  • vcat
  • hvcat
  • A bunch of other basic methods like nnz, size, full, etc.

