
Author SteffenPL
14 Stars
Updated Last
3 Months Ago
Started In
April 2023


Dev Build Status Coverage

This package is not stable yet and work in progress! Consider using CellListMap.jl instead if you need a fast and well-tested Julia implementation.

Please use import Pkg; Pkg.add("") to use the latest version, I didn't update the registered version yet.


Creates spatial hash tables on bounded and unbounded domains for fast computations of pairwise interaction terms. Updating the hash table is done in $\mathcal{O}(n)$ time and allocation free. Iteration over neigbour lists is also allocation free and supports CPU and GPU parallelization.

The interface is minimalistic. For a more full-featured and established package, see CellListMap.jl.

See the benchmarks folder for some timings and performance comparisons.

How does it work?

The package is currently undergoing many changes. Documentation will be updated soon.

The current typical useage looks like this

using SpatialHashTables, StaticArrays
using SpatialHashTables: dist²

X = [@SVector randn(3) for i in 1:10_000]
cutoff = 0.1

grid = HashGrid(cutoff, 1000, X)

for i in 1:10_000
    for j in neighbours(grid, X[i], cutoff)
        Xij = X[i] - X[j]
        if dist²(Xij) < cutoff^2
            # ... 


With KernelAbstractions.jl we can generate CPU/GPU parallel code.

# continuing the script above

# 1. prepare grid for GPU! 
using KernelAbstractions, CUDA 
using SpatialHashTables, StaticArrays
using SpatialHashTables: dist²

backend = CUDABackend()  # or CPU()
FT = Float32

X_gpu = adapt(backend, SVector{3,Float32}.(X))
F_gpu = similar(X_gpu)

cutoff_gpu = FloatT(cutoff)

# important: 4th argument determines internal index list type!
grid_gpu = HashGrid(cutoff_gpu, 1000, X_gpu, CuVector{Int32})

@kernel function compute_something!(F, @Const(X), grid, cutoff)
    i = @index(Global) 

    Xi = X[i]
    Fi = zero(Xi)

    FL = eltype(Xi) # make sure we only use Float32!!!

    cutoff² = cutoff^2

    for j in neighbours(grid, Xi, cutoff)
        Xij = Xi - X[j]
        d² = dist²(Xij)

        if< cutoff²
            Fi += FL(1)/sqrt(d²) * (Xij)

    F[i] = Fi

# prepare kernel
numthreads = 32
K = compute_something!(grid_gpu.backend, numthreads, length(X))

# usage
updatecells!(grid_gpu, X_gpu)           # uses parallel implementation!
K(F_gpu, X_gpu, grid_gpu, cutoff_gpu)

# maybe needed...

The above code should work with small changes on any backend compatible with KernelAbstractions.jl.

Constructors and main functions

All constructors follow the principle that one first defines the cutoff, then the data needed to determine the number of partitions used to create grid and finally the points X which are expected to be a Vector (or CuVector etc) of SVectors.

The fourth argument might be a backend specific type suitable for storing indices, e.g. CuVector{Int32}, per default, Vector{Int64} is used.

In addition, one might define nthreads and backend as keywoard arguments.

The following constructors give a unbounded HashGrid:

HashGrid(cutoff, tablesize, X; nthreads = 16, backend = get_backend(X))
HashGrid(cutoff, tablesize, X, CuVector{Int32})

For BoundedGrids it is not sufficient to determine how a number, but instead one needs to provide the gridsize which determines how many unique cells are created in each direction (and then periodically continued).

Note, that one can also provide a SVector{Dim, Float} to alternatively define the physical size of the grid (e.g. domainsize = cutoff .* gridsize). Dispatch is used to differentiated gridsize::NTuple{Dim,Int} and domainsize::SVector{Dim,Float64}.

Optionally, one might shift the grid by the origin keyword.

Other than that, the BoundedGrid has the same optional 4th arguemnt to determine the index type and the same keyword arguments for nthreads and backend.

gridsize = (100, 100, 100)::NTuple{3,Int}
BoundedGrid(cutoff, gridsize, X; origin = SA[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], ...)
BoundedGrid(cutoff, gridsize, X, CuVector{Int32})

domainsize = @SVector [2.0, 1.0, 2.0]
BoundedGrid(cutoff, domainsize, X; origin = SA[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], ...)

Update tables

A parallel version of updating the cell lists is given by updatecells!(grid, X) where X is a vector of static vectors:

updatecells!(grid, X)

Iterate neigbours

Iteration of closeby points to a given position is done via the iterator neigbours(grid, pos, cutoff). (Note: For HashGrid is is needed that cutoff is less than the cutoff used to initialize the grid.)

pos = @SVector[0.5, 0.5, 0.5]

for j in neighbours(grid, pos, cutoff)
    # ...

Performance benchmarks

These are the current performance benchmarks (see benchmarks/report folder for the implementation of the benchmark).

Notably, the package is approaching the performance of NVIDIA Warp's HashGrid. For benchmarks with only a few particles per box (uniform) the performance is already good, for benchmarks with many particles per box (xatomic) CellListMap.jl is faster.


Please let me know if the documenation is unclear or if you have any suggestions for improvements.

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