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Julia sphere file reader/writer. Shamelessly stolen from the excellent WAV.jl package by Dan Casimiro.
julia> Pkg.add("SPH")
SPH provides sphread
, sphwrite
, and sph2wav
commands to read,
write, and convert SPH files. Here is an example to get you started.
It generates some data, writes it to a file and then reads the data back.
is then used to convert the SPH file to a WAV file.
is also provided for reading an SPH header.
julia> using SPH
julia> header = Dict{String, Any}(
"channel_count" => 1,
"sample_coding" => "pcm",
"sample_rate" => 8000,
"sample_count" => 8000,
"sample_byte_format" => "0123",
"sample_n_bytes" => 4
julia> samples = sin.(2 * pi * [0:7999;] * 440.0 / 8000) * 0.01
julia> sphwrite(header, samples, "example.sph")
julia> header, x = sphread("example.sph")
julia> sph2wav("example.sph", "example.wav")
julia> h = sphreadheader("example.sph")
and sphwrite
currently do not obey the sample_byte_format
in the SPH header.
If this is an issue for you, let me know and I can add this functionality.
function sphreadheader(io::IO)
function sphread(filename::AbstractString)
Return a Dict{String, Any}
corresponding to the Sphere header with Julian typing. e.g.
Dict{String, Any}(
"channel_count" => 1,
"sample_coding" => "pcm",
"sample_byte_format" => "01",
"sample_rate" => 8000,
"sample_n_bytes" => 4,
"sample_count" => 8000
This function reads the samples from a NIST Sphere file. The samples are converted to floating
point values in the range from -1.0
to 1.0
by default.
function sphread(io::IO; subrange=Any, format="double")
function sphread(filename::AbstractString; subrange=Any, format="double")
The available options, and the default values, are:
(default =double
): changes the format of the returned samples. The stringdouble
returns double precision floating point values in the range -1.0 to 1.0. The stringnative
returns the values as encoded in the file. The stringsize
returns the number of samples in the file, rather than the actual samples.subrange
(default =Any
): controls which samples are returned. The default,Any
returns all of the samples. Passing a number (Real
, will return the firstN
samples of each channel. Passing a range (Range1{Real}
, will return the samples in that range of each channel.
The returned values are:
: The SPH header; same as returned bysphreadheader
: The acoustic samples; A matrix is returned for files that contain multiple channels.
Writes samples to an SPH file. Each column of the data represents a different channel. Stereo files should contain two columns.
function sphwrite(header, samples, io::IO)
function sphwrite(header, samples, filename::AbstractString)