
Author probcomp
5 Stars
Updated Last
2 Years Ago
Started In
March 2021


Library implementing probabilistic inference circuits for Spiking Neural Networks. The high-level implementations are hardware-agnostic, and could be compiled to (e.g.) FPGAs or ASICs in the future by defining compilation routes for those targets. However, currently full compilation paths to primitive components are only provided for the Spiking target.

This library uses the Circuits library for circuit representation & compilation, and the Spiking circuits library for primitive spiking components and the SNN simulator.


See setup.md.

Current goals

Our current goals include compiling a subset of Gen probabilistic programs into spiking neural networks in forward-sampling mode, implementing importance sampling using Gen target & proposal distributions, and eventually implementing sequential monte carlo for these models.


After cloning this repo, from the SpikingInferenceCircuits.jl/ directory:

] activate .
] build

This should suffice! To test that the utilities for Gen simulation have been set up properly, you can run

julia> using Revise
julia> include("experiments/coord_tracking_2d/gen_run.jl")

This may throw a couple errors, but should then succeed (and output a long stream of text, to display the last computed value in the script).

To test that spiking neural network simulations work, you can run

julia> using Revise
julia> include("test/unit_tests/run_unit_tests.jl")

Repository Structure

There are 3 main parts:

  • src contains the core code
  • runs contains scripts used for testing components
  • visualization contains code to produce visualizations of circuits. Eventually, this should be replaced with a better visualizer, and perhaps factored into its own repository (or made part of the Circuits repository).

I'm currently reorganizing and rewriting large parts of src, so the imports in runs will mostly be wrong (and some of the runs may become irrelevent / used foor outdated components.)


(This is currently WIP.)

An outline of the directory structure is:

  • CPTs a Julia package exposing the CPT (conditional probability table) and LabeledCPT Gen distributions.

  • DiscreteIRTransforms is a Julia package for transforming IRs for Gen models where all variables are discrete and have finite domains. In particular, it contains some transformations to convert from Static IR (+ combinators) generative functions to equivalent generative functions where all distributions are CPTs.

  • ProbEstimates/ is a module for running inference in Gen, injecting noise into each probability or inverse-probability value used in the calculations. This noise mirrors the type of noise which arises in the spiking neural network implementations. This lets us test the robustness of the SNN implementation of inference algorithms in Gen.

  • DynamicModels/ is a WIP module providing utility functions for constructing and running SMC inference in dynamic models.

  • circuits contains the code to compile models and inference programs into circuits and ultimately into spiking neural networks. The sub-directory structure is roughly:

    • circuits/value_types.jl defines Value types (from the Circuits library) used for the circuits
    • circuits/generative_functions contains generative function PROPOSE and ASSESS circuits.
    • circuits/inference contains code for producing inference circuits. I haven't thought through what this should look like.
    • circuits/stochastic_digital_circuits/ and circuits/pulse_ir/ define the stochastic digital circuits and Pulse IR primitive components (and maybe some non-primitive components too. Eventually they will also include SDC --> Pulse IR implementations, and Pulse IR --> Poisson neuron implementations. pulse_ir/ will also contain code for satisfying the temporal interfaces of the Pulse IR.


The visualizer is web-based. The front-end code is in visualization/frontend; this is a npm package. To install the dependencies, run npm install from within the visualization/frontend folder. (If you don't have npm installed, you can get it here.) To use the visualizer, run an http server from within this folder. One way to do this is to get the npm package http-server by running npm install -g http-server, and then running the http-server command from within visualization/frontend.

To view a component, it must first be compiled into a format that the frontend understands. For this, there is the julia script visualization/component_interface.jl. Likewise, there is a julia script visualization/animation_interface.jl to compile the output of the spiking simulator into a JSON file the frontend can use to produce an animation of spiking circuit operation.

See runs/cpt_sample_score.jl for examples of how the visualization scripts are used. The relevant code snippet is:


open("visualization/frontend/renders/cpt.json", "w") do f
    JSON.print(f, viz_graph(circuit), 2)
println("Wrote component viz file.")

events = Sim.simulate_for_time_and_get_events(circuit,  16.0;
    initial_inputs=(:in_vals => 1 => 2, :in_vals => 2 => 1)
println("Simulation run.")


open("visualization/frontend/renders/cpt_anim.json", "w") do f
    JSON.print(f, animation_to_frontend_format(Sim.initial_state(circuit), events), 2)
println("Wrote animation file.")

(For this to work, you will have to mkdir renders from within visualization/frontend first.)

Then, from the website (http://localhost:8080), enter the name of the file (here, cpt.json) to load the visualization.