
Runners for several STMM models
Author JuliaRemoteSensing
0 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
February 2022


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STMMRunner provides a common configuration interface for several STMM (Superposition T-Matrix Method) codes. Since each runner package (they are listed below) reexports all the structs and methods defined in STMMRunner, you do not need to specify STMMRunner as a dependency. Instead, you should use the corresponding STMM code package directly.

Currently supported STMM models:

  • MSTM4Runner: wrapping MSTM v4
    • You do not need to compile MSTM v4 locally since there is already the MSTM_jll package.
    • Lattice mode not supported yet.
  • MSTM3Runner: wrapping MSTM v3
    • You need to compile a parallel version of MSTM v3.
  • FaSTMMRunner: wrapping FaSTMM
    • You need a compiled version of FaSTMM.
  • SMUTHIRunner: wrapping SMUTHI
    • SMUTHI will be automatically installed via CondaPkg.

Working in progress: