
Julia package to investigate the behaviour of the first and second moments of stochastic linear delay differential equations
Author HTSykora
1 Star
Updated Last
11 Months Ago
Started In
April 2019


Julia package to investigate the behaviour of the first and second moments of stochastic linear delay differential equations based on the paper [1] Stochastic semi‐discretization for linear stochastic delay differential equations and the book [2] Semi-Discretization for Time-Delay Systems (by Insperger and Stepan).

This package provides a tool to approximate the stability properties and stationary behaviour of linear periodic delay systems of the forms:

$$\mathrm{d} \mathbf{x}(t) = \left(\mathbf{A}(t) \mathbf{x}(t) + \sum_{j=1}^g \mathbf{B}(t) \mathbf{x}(t-\tau_j(t))+\mathbf{c}(t)\right)\mathrm{d}t + \sum_{k=1}^w\left(\boldsymbol{\alpha}^k(t) + \sum_{j=1}^g \boldsymbol{\beta}^k_j(t) \mathbf{x}(t-\tau_j(t)) + \boldsymbol{\sigma}^k(t) \right)\mathrm{d}W^k(t)$$

by transforming the underlying differential equation into the stochastic mapping:

$$\mathbf{y}_{n+1} = \left(\mathbf{F}n+\sum{k=1}^w\mathbf{G}^k_n\right)\mathbf{y}_n + \left(\mathbf{f}n + \sum{k=1}^w\mathbf{g}^k_n\right),$$

where $n$ refers to the discrete time $t_n = n \Delta t$, $\mathbf{F}_n$ is the deterministic mapping matrix constructed using $\mathbf{A}$, $\mathbf{B}$ and $\tau_j$, $\mathbf{G}^k_n$ are the stochastic mapping matrices constructed using $\boldsymbol{\alpha}(t)$, $\boldsymbol{\beta}(t)$ and $\tau_j$, $\mathbf{f}_n$ and $\mathbf{g}^k_n$ are the deterministic and stochastic additive vectors, constructed using $\mathbf{c}$ and $\mathbf{\sigma}^k$, respectively. The vector $\mathbf{y}_n$ is the discretized state space vector:

$$\mathbf y_{n} = \left(\mathbf{x}(t_n)^\top, \mathbf{x}(t_{n-1})^\top,\ldots,\mathbf{x}(t_{n-r})\right)^\top!.$$

The first moment dynamics is described by the expected value of the stochastic mapping, leading to a deterministic mapping:

$$\mathbb{E}\left(\mathbf{y}_{n+1}\right) = \mathbf{F}_n\left(\mathbf{y}_n\right)+\mathbf{f}_n,$$ while the second moment dynamics is described by the expected value of the outer product of the mapping:

$$\mathbf M_n = \mathbb{E}\left(\mathbf y_n \mathbf y_n^\top\right), \quad \Rightarrow \quad \mathbf m_n = \mathrm{vec}\left(\mathbf M_n\right) := \left[ M_{n,11}, M_{n,22},\dots , M_{n,12}, M_{n,23},\dots, M_{n,1,\left(r+1\right)d} \right]^\top,$$

$$\mathbf m_{n+1} =\mathbf H_n \, \mathbf m_n + \mathbf h_{1,n}\mathbb{E}\left(\mathbf y_n\right)+\mathbf h_n,$$

where coefficient matrices $\mathbf{H}n$, $\mathbf{h}{1,n}$ and additive vector $\mathbf{h}_n$ are constructed using the mapping matrices $\mathbf{F}_n$, $\mathbf{G}^k_n$ and vectors $\mathbf{f}_n$, $\mathbf{g}^k_n$, respectively. Note, that since the coefficient matrices of the original system are constant, the statistical properties of the coefficient matrices and additive vectors, hence the matrices $\mathbf{F}n$, $\mathbf H_n$, $\mathbf{h}{1,n}$ and vectors $\mathbf{f}_n$, $\mathbf{h}n$ are also constant. The integer $r$ is chosen in a way, that $r \Delta t \geq \max{t \in \left[ 0, P \right], j = 1 \ldots g}\tau_j(t)$ (the discretized "history function" contains all possible delayed values) and $d$ is the dimension of the state space $\left(\mathbf{x}(t) \in \mathbb{R}^d\right)$..

With the use of the discrete mappings, the moment stability of the original system can be investigated (approximately), by the spectral radius $\rho$ of the coefficient matrices $\mathbf{F}_n$ over a period:

$$\rho\left(\prod_{i=0}^{p-1}{F}_{n+i}\right): \quad \begin{matrix} <1 & \Rightarrow & \text{the mapping is stable}\\ >1 & \Rightarrow & \text{the mapping is unstable} \end{matrix} $$

Furthermore, the steady-state first and second moments can be determined as the fix points of corresponding moment mappings.


If you use this package as part of your research, teaching, or other activities, we would be grateful if you could cite the paper [1] and the book it is based on (BibTeX entries):

author = {Sykora, Henrik T and Bachrathy, Daniel and Stepan, Gabor},
doi = {10.1002/nme.6076},
journal = {International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering},
keywords = { stability, stochastic problems, time delay,differential equations},
number = {ja},
title = {{Stochastic semi-discretization for linear stochastic delay differential equations}},
url = {},
volume = {0}

address = {New York, NY},
author = {Insperger, Tam{\'{a}}s and St{\'{e}}p{\'{a}}n, G{\'{a}}bor},
doi = {10.1007/978-1-4614-0335-7},
isbn = {978-1-4614-0334-0},
publisher = {Springer New York},
series = {Applied Mathematical Sciences},
title = {{Semi-Discretization for Time-Delay Systems}},
url = {},
volume = {178},
year = {2011}

Usage with examples


julia> ] add StochasticSemiDiscretizationMethod

Stochastic Hayes equations

$$\mathrm{d}{x}(t) = a ,x(t)\mathrm{d}t + \left(\beta ,x(t-1) + 1\right) \mathrm{d}W(t),$$ Here

$$ \mathbf{A}(t) \equiv \begin{bmatrix} a \end{bmatrix}, \quad \mathbf{B}_1(t) \equiv \begin{bmatrix}0\end{bmatrix}, \quad \mathbf{c}(t) \equiv \begin{bmatrix} 0 \end{bmatrix},$$ $$ \boldsymbol{\alpha}^1(t) \equiv \begin{bmatrix} 0 \end{bmatrix}, \quad \boldsymbol{\beta}^1_1(t) \equiv \begin{bmatrix}\beta\end{bmatrix}, \quad \tau^1_1(t) \equiv 1 \quad \mathrm{and} \quad \boldsymbol{\sigma}^1(t) \equiv \begin{bmatrix} 1 \end{bmatrix}.$$

(First example in paper [1])

using StochasticSemiDiscretizationMethod
function createHayesProblem(a,β)
    AMx =  ProportionalMX(a*ones(1,1));
    BMx1 = DelayMX(τ1,zeros(1,1));
    cVec = Additive(1)
    noiseID = 1
    αMx1 = stCoeffMX(noiseID,ProportionalMX(zeros(1,1)))
    βMx11 = stCoeffMX(noiseID,DelayMX(τ1,β*ones(1,1)))
    σ = stAdditive(1,Additive(ones(1)))
hayes_lddep=createHayesProblem(-6.,2.); # LDDE problem for Hayes equation
method=SemiDiscretization(0,0.1) # 0th order semi discretization with Δt=0.1
τmax=1. # the largest τ of the system
# Second Moment mapping
mapping=DiscreteMapping_M2(hayes_lddep,method,τmax,n_steps=10,calculate_additive=true); #The discrete mapping of the system
@show spectralRadiusOfMapping(mapping); # spectral radius ρ of the mapping matrix (ρ>1 unstable, ρ<1 stable)
statM2=VecToCovMx(fixPointOfMapping(mapping), length(mapping.M1_Vs[1])); # stationary second moment matrix of the hayes equation (equilibrium position)
@show statM2[1,1]

# spectralRadiusOfMapping(mapping) = 0.3835887415448961
# statM2[1,1] = 0.12505625506304247

Stability borders of the Hayes Equation

using MDBM
using Plots
using LaTeXStrings

foo(a,b) = log(spectralRadiusOfMapping(DiscreteMapping_M2(createHayesProblem(a,b),method,τmax,
    n_steps=10))); # No additive term calculated



    label="",title="2nd moment stability border of the Hayes equation",xlabel=L"A",ylabel=L"$\beta$",
    guidefontsize=14,tickfont = font(10),markersize=2,markerstrokewidth=0)

Stochastic Linear Delay Oscillator

$$\dot{x}(t) = v(t)$$

$$\dot{v}(t) + 2\zeta v(t) + A x(t) = B x(t-2\pi) + \left(\alpha x(t) + \beta x(t-2\pi) + \sigma\right)\Gamma(t)$$

(Second example in paper [1])

function createSLDOProblem(A,B,ζ,α,β,σ)
    AMx =  ProportionalMX(@SMatrix [0. 1.;-A -2ζ]);
    BMx1 = DelayMX(τ1,@SMatrix [0. 0.; B 0.]);
    cVec = Additive(2)
    noiseID = 1
    αMx1 = stCoeffMX(noiseID,ProportionalMX(@SMatrix [0. 0.; α 0.]))
    βMx11 = stCoeffMX(noiseID,DelayMX(τ1,@SMatrix [0. 0.; β 0.]))
    σVec = stAdditive(1,Additive(@SVector [0., σ]))
SLDOP_lddep=createSLDOProblem(1.,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.5); # LDDE problem for Hayes equation
method=SemiDiscretization(5,(2π+100eps())/10) # 5th order semi discretization with Δt=2π/10
τmax=2π # the largest τ of the system
# Second Moment mapping
mapping=DiscreteMapping_M2(SLDOP_lddep,method,τmax,n_steps=10,calculate_additive=true); #The discrete mapping of the system

@show spectralRadiusOfMapping(mapping); # spectral radius ρ of the mapping matrix (ρ>1 unstable, ρ<1 stable)
statM2=VecToCovMx(fixPointOfMapping(mapping), length(mapping.M1_Vs[1])); # stationary second moment matrix of the hayes equation (equilibrium position)
@show statM2[1,1] |> sqrt;

# spectralRadiusOfMapping(mapping) = 0.5059591707964441
# statM2[1, 1] |> sqrt = 0.9042071549857947

Stability borders of the Delay Oscillator


# ζ=0.05, α=0.3*A, β=0.3*B
foo(A,B) = log(spectralRadiusOfMapping(DiscreteMapping_M2(createSLDOProblem(A,B,0.05,0.3*A,0.3*B,0.),method,τmax,idxs,
    n_steps=30),nev=8)); # No additive term calculated



    label="",title="2nd moment stability border of the Delay Oscillator",xlabel=L"A",ylabel=L"$B$",
    guidefontsize=14,tickfont = font(10),markersize=2,markerstrokewidth=0)

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