This package provides tools to simulate the propagation of paraxial light beams. This includes the calculation of Laguerre-Gauss and Hermite-Gauss beam profiles, the action of lenses, the propagation in free space as well as in Kerr media. We also provide methods that help the visualization of such beams.
You can install this package by hitting ]
to enter the Pkg REPL-mode and then typing
add StructuredLight
The following code is a minimal working example for this package:
using StructuredLight #Loads the package
rs = LinRange(-5,5,256) #Define a linear grid of points
E0 = lg(rs,rs) #Calculates the fundamental Laguerre-Gaussian mode
visualize(E0) #visualizes the mode
E = free_propagation(E0,rs,rs,1) #Propagates the mode through a distance of z=1
visualize(E) #visualizes the evolved mode
This illustrates the basic idea of the package: first, you construct a matrix representing the mode you want to propagate, and then one calls free_propagation
The propagation can be done on Nvidia GPUs. One only needs to pass the initial profile as a CuArray
using CUDA
E0 = lg(rs,rs) |> cu #Transfers array to gpu
E = free_propagation(E0,rs,rs,zs)
Currently, I'm studying the propagation of light in media with second order non-linearity and through turbulence. Depending on my advances, I may include functionalities covering these topics.