
Write with ✨ style ✨ and ease
Author JuliaLang
26 Stars
Updated Last
3 Months Ago
Started In
October 2023


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The StyledStrings package builds on top of the AnnotatedString type to provide a full-fledged textual styling system, suitable for terminal and graphical displays.

This is primarily intended for package authors, who may think of this as printstyled on a (rather potent) steroids 😉. To get a better sense of what this means in practice, start with the examples page of the documentation and look for how other packages use StyledStrings in the Julia ecosystem.

This is a standard library as of Julia 1.11. A version compatible with Julia 1.0 through to 1.10 has also been registered in General — allowing StyledStrings to be used anywhere without compromising compatibility.