
A simple and pure sudoku puzzle solver
Author guo-yong-zhi
0 Stars
Updated Last
3 Years Ago
Started In
August 2021


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This is a simple and pure sudoku puzzle solver with no other dependencies except the julia standard libraries. The package exports only one function, solvesudoku.


The solvesudoku function takes a 9×9 integer matrix or a string as input. In the integer matrix, blank is represented by the number 0. In the string, blank is represented by the character '0', '-', '.' or '_'. And invisible characters in the string, such as '\n', are ignored. Some sample puzzles can be found in SudokuSolver.PuzzleExamples. If the input is a valid puzzle, the function returns the solved sudoku puzzle as a 9×9 integer matrix; otherwise, it returns nothing. If the puzzle has more than one solution, only one of them will be returned.

using SudokuSolver
@show SudokuSolver.PuzzleExamples[9]

SudokuSolver.PuzzleExamples[9] = [
    6 0 8 0 5 0 0 0 1; 
    5 0 4 9 3 0 0 0 6; 
    0 0 0 0 0 6 9 7 5; 
    7 4 9 8 2 0 0 0 3; 
    3 8 2 0 0 0 0 0 9; 
    0 0 5 0 9 0 0 0 0; 
    0 5 0 0 6 8 0 0 4; 
    8 3 0 0 0 0 0 5 7; 
    0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0]

9×9 Matrix{Int64}:
 6  9  8  7  5  2  4  3  1
 5  7  4  9  3  1  8  2  6
 2  1  3  4  8  6  9  7  5
 7  4  9  8  2  5  1  6  3
 3  8  2  6  1  7  5  4  9
 1  6  5  3  9  4  7  8  2
 9  5  7  2  6  8  3  1  4
 8  3  6  1  4  9  2  5  7
 4  2  1  5  7  3  6  9  8
@show SudokuSolver.PuzzleExamples[3]

SudokuSolver.PuzzleExamples[3] = """

9×9 Matrix{Int64}:
 1  4  5  3  2  7  6  9  8
 8  3  9  6  5  4  1  2  7
 6  7  2  9  1  8  5  4  3
 4  9  6  1  8  5  3  7  2
 2  1  8  4  7  3  9  5  6
 7  5  3  2  9  6  4  8  1
 3  6  7  5  4  2  8  1  9
 9  8  4  7  6  1  2  3  5
 5  2  1  8  3  9  7  6  4
@show SudokuSolver.PuzzleExamples[4]

SudokuSolver.PuzzleExamples[4] = "98.7..6..7......8...6.5....4....3..2..794..6.......4...1......3..95...7.....2.1.."
9×9 Matrix{Int64}:
 9  8  5  7  3  2  6  4  1
 7  3  2  1  6  4  9  8  5
 1  4  6  8  5  9  2  3  7
 4  9  1  6  8  3  7  5  2
 2  5  7  9  4  1  3  6  8
 8  6  3  2  7  5  4  1  9
 6  1  8  4  9  7  5  2  3
 3  2  9  5  1  6  8  7  4
 5  7  4  3  2  8  1  9  6


A mini benchmark compared with package Sudoku.jl v0.1.1.

using BenchmarkTools
using SudokuSolver
using Sudoku

# Sudoku.jl
@btime begin
31.393 ms (93863 allocations: 8.48 MiB)
# our SudokuSolver.jl
@btime begin
1.100 ms (6 allocations: 2.58 KiB)

# Sudoku.jl
@btime for puzzle in SudokuSolver.PuzzleExamples
    p = SudokuSolver.loadpuzzle(puzzle)
2.923 s (313555 allocations: 28.31 MiB)
# our SudokuSolver.jl
@btime for puzzle in SudokuSolver.PuzzleExamples
    p = SudokuSolver.loadpuzzle(puzzle)
64.592 ms (80 allocations: 25.78 KiB)