
A Julia package for interfacing with the Sunlight Foundation's APIs
9 Stars
Updated Last
7 Years Ago
Started In
July 2014


A Julia package for interfacing with the Sunlight Foundation's APIs

Quick start

julia> Pkg.add("SunlightAPIs")

julia> using SunlightAPIs

julia> my_auth = "your-api-key"

julia> entity_search(my_auth, "obama"; entity_type = "politician")
2-element Array{Any,1}:
 ["is_superpac"=>nothing,"total_given"=>0.0,"firm_income"=>0.0,"state"=>"","name"=>"Barack Obama (D)","id"=>"4148b26f6f1c437cb50ea9ca4699417a","total_received"=>7.14694967e8,"count_given"=>0,"count_lobbied"=>0,"count_received"=>1335528,"seat"=>"federal:president","lobbying_firm"=>nothing,"party"=>"D","type"=>"politician","non_firm_spending"=>0.0]
 ["is_superpac"=>nothing,"total_given"=>0.0,"firm_income"=>0.0,"state"=>"IL","name"=>"OBAMA, BARACK","id"=>"97737bb56b6a4211bcc57a837368b1a4","total_received"=>445595.36,"count_given"=>0,"count_lobbied"=>0,"count_received"=>892,"seat"=>"state:upper","lobbying_firm"=>nothing,"party"=>"D","type"=>"politician","non_firm_spending"=>0.0]

julia> entity_info(my_auth, "4148b26f6f1c437cb50ea9ca4699417a")
Dict{String,Any} with 6 entries:
  "name"         => "Barack Obama (D)"
  "totals"       => ["2014"=>["fec_total_raised"=>0.0,"faca_committee_count"=>0,"firm_income"=>0.0
  "external_ids" => {["namespace"=>"urn:crp:recipient","id"=>"N00009638"],["namespace"=>"urn:fec:c…
  "id"           => "4148b26f6f1c437cb50ea9ca4699417a"
  "metadata"     => ["2014"=>["district"=>"","state_held"=>"","seat_held"=>"federal:president","se
  "type"         => "politician"

julia> top_contributors(my_auth, "4148b26f6f1c437cb50ea9ca4699417a"; limit = 3, cycle = 2008)
3-element Array{Any,1}:
 ["name"=>"University of California","direct_count"=>"0","total_count"=>"3356","total_amount"=>"1638228.00","employee_amount"=>"1638228.00","id"=>"0e85264c0c0e4dfb9a4b38cfc181f030","direct_amount"=>"0","employee_count"=>"3356"]
 ["name"=>"Goldman Sachs","direct_count"=>"0","total_count"=>"879","total_amount"=>"1001195.00","employee_amount"=>"1001195.00","id"=>"597eccfe48784677a437569ff6293097","direct_amount"=>"0","employee_count"=>"879"]
 ["name"=>"Harvard University","direct_count"=>"0","total_count"=>"1398","total_amount"=>"859747.00","employee_amount"=>"859747.00","id"=>"74a1dca1259b4f60bca481d4c76e2a1f","direct_amount"=>"0","employee_count"=>"1398"]

julia> top_organizations(my_auth; limit = 12)
12-element Array{Any,1}:
 ["amount"=>"384272261.37","name"=>"National Education Assn","id"=>"1b8fea7e453d4e75841eac48ff9df550","count"=>"57835"]
 ["amount"=>"275880888.86","name"=>"Service Employees International Union","id"=>"e31bfef434e9470b9e473d6182f2d021","count"=>"35011"]
 ["amount"=>"181691570.75","name"=>"American Fedn of St/Cnty/Munic Employees","id"=>"fb702029157e4c7c887172eba71c66c5","count"=>"43635"]
 ["amount"=>"174018345.66","name"=>"National Assn of Realtors","id"=>"bb98402bd4d3471cad392a671ecd733a","count"=>"92925"]
 ["amount"=>"112448960.46","name"=>"Altria Group","id"=>"0785a40a08df4dada2f083631efecb34","count"=>"21199"]
 ["amount"=>"110349716.14","name"=>"American Federation of Teachers","id"=>"73a89c3b554945cd8228fa82fc53b73a","count"=>"32445"]
 ["amount"=>"108195067.94","name"=>"Intl Brotherhood of Electrical Workers","id"=>"b53b4ad137d743a996f4d7467700fc88","count"=>"53828"]
 ["amount"=>"99742982.84","name"=>"Republican Governors Assn","id"=>"bdfd0d138c4c474d842a6e4d85aa8b0a","count"=>"481"]
 ["amount"=>"99131444.53","name"=>"Philip Morris","id"=>"f3b0421dc8204f048a9b358376df8131","count"=>"23570"]
 ["amount"=>"94524750.12","name"=>"Laborers Union","id"=>"6f6d63baaa6c4f5c9c739596e65b020e","count"=>"34531"]
 ["amount"=>"94172506.40","name"=>"Penn National Gaming","id"=>"24cab44f502f415dbfd32f8e7b1b7c5b","count"=>"1964"]
 ["amount"=>"93127912.28","name"=>"AT&T Inc","id"=>"d473e580c5684a658b754eb97566cb05","count"=>"73320"]

julia> registrant_bills(my_auth, "d473e580c5684a658b754eb97566cb05"; limit = 3)
3-element Array{Any,1}:
 ["cycle"=>-1,"bill_no"=>1447,"count"=>12,"title"=>"Connecting America Act of 2009","bill_name"=>"S.1447","congress_no"=>111,"bill_type"=>"s"]
 ["cycle"=>-1,"bill_no"=>400,"count"=>8,"title"=>"Protecting Consumers through Proper Forbearance Procedures Act","bill_name"=>"H.R.400","congress_no"=>111,"bill_type"=>"h"]

Influence Explorer API

Common Parameters

Many of methods in the Influence Explorer API accept similar arguments. To reduce redundancy, these are documented once, below. Not all methods accept all common parameters - be sure to check the function signature in the docs further down.

  • auth: Your Sunlight API key (get one here).
  • entity_id: The transparencydata ID of the entity that you'd like to look up. Most methods will accept the ID as a String, however, sometimes this can cause ambiguity (for instance,fec_summary is defined for both Organizations and Politicians). For these cases the Org (Organization), Ind (Individual), and Pol (Politician) types are defined to wrap IDs (i.e. Org(entity_id)).
  • cycle: Use to limit results by cycle(s).
  • limit: Use to limit the number of results to be returned.

Entity Lookup Methods

Entity Search

Search for politicians, individuals, organizations or industries with a given name.

entity_search(auth::String, search_str; entity_type = nothing)

entity_search(search_str; auth = "", entity_type = nothing)
  • search: The name to search for. There are no logical operators and no grouping.
  • type: Filter results to a particular type of entity.
    • "politician"
    • "organization"
    • "individual"
    • "industry"

Entity Info

Get general information about the given entity.

entity_info(auth::String, entity_id; cycle = nothing)

entity_info(entity_id; auth = "", cycle = nothing)

Politician Aggregates Methods

Top Politicians

By contributions received, in dollars.

top_politicians(auth::String; limit = 16, cycle = nothing)

top_politicians(; auth = "", limit = 16, cycle = nothing)

Top Contributors

The top contributing organizations to a given candidate. Giving is broken down into money given directly (by the organization's PAC), versus money given by individuals employed by or associated with the organization.

top_contributors(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Pol); limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)

top_contributors(entity_id::Union(String, Pol); auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)

Top Industries

Top contributing industries, ranked by dollars given.

top_industries(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Pol); limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)

top_industries(entity_id::Union(String, Pol); auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)

Unknown Industries

Contribution count and total for a politician from unknown industries.

unknown_industries(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Pol); cycle = nothing)

unknown_industries(entity_id::Union(String, Pol); auth = "", cycle = nothing)

Top Sectors

Contribution totals by sector to a given politician. Sectors are codified by letter:

  • A: Agribusiness
  • B: Communications/Electronics
  • C: Construction
  • D: Defense
  • E: Energy/Natural Resources
  • F: Finance/Insurance/Real Estate
  • H: Health
  • K: Lawyers and Lobbyists
  • M: Transportation
  • N: Misc. Business
  • Q: Ideology/Single Issue
  • P: Labor
  • W: Other
  • Y: Unknown
  • Z: Administrative Use
top_sectors(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Pol); limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)

top_sectors(entity_id::Union(String, Pol); auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)

Local Breakdown

A breakdown of how much of the money raised by a politician came from inside or outside their home state.

local_breakdown(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Pol); cycle = nothing)

local_breakdown(entity_id::Union(String, Pol); auth = "", cycle = nothing)

Contributor Type Breakdown

A breakdown of how much of the money raised came from individuals versus organzations (PACs).

contributor_breakdown(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Pol); cycle = nothing)

contributor_breakdown(entity_id::Union(String, Pol); auth = "", cycle = nothing)

FEC Summary

Latest figures from the FEC's summary report.

fec_summary(auth::String, entity_id::Pol)

fec_summary(entity_id::Pol; auth = "")

FEC Independent Expenditures

Top independent expenditures for and against a politician.

fec_independent_expenditures(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Pol))

fec_independent_expenditures(entity_id::Union(String, Pol); auth = "")

Individual Aggregates

Top Individuals

By contributions given, in dollars.

top_individuals(auth::String; limit = 16, cycle = nothing)

top_individuals(; auth = "", limit = 16, cycle = nothing)

Top Recipient Organizations

Top organizations to which this individual has donated, by dollars given.

top_recipient_organizations(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Ind); limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)

top_recipient_organizations(entity_id::Union(String, Ind); auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)

Top Recipient Politicians

Politicians to whom the individual has given the most money.

top_recipient_politicians(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Ind); limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)

top_recipient_politicians(entity_id::Union(String, Ind); auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)

Party Breakdown

Details on how much an individual gave to each party.

party_breakdown(auth::String, entity_id::Ind; cycle = nothing)

party_breakdown(entity_id::Ind; auth = "", cycle = nothing)

Lobbying Registrants

A list of the lobbying firms which employed an individual.

lobbying_registrants(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Ind); limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)

lobbying_registrants(entity_id::Union(String, Ind); auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)

Lobbying Clients

Clients an individual (lobbyist) was contracted to work for.

lobbying_clients(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Ind); limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)

lobbying_clients(entity_id::Union(String, Ind); auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)

Lobbying Issues

Issue areas a lobbyist worked on.

lobbying_issues(auth::String, entity_id::Ind; limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)

lobbying_issues(entity_id::Ind; auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)

Organization Aggregates

Top Organizations

By contributions given, in dollars.

top_organizations(auth::String; limit = 16, cycle = nothing)

top_organizations(; auth = "", limit = 16, cycle = nothing)

Top Recipients

Top recipients of money from this organization, by dollars received.

top_recipients(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Org); limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)

top_recipients(entity_id::Union(String, Org); auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)

PAC Recipients

Top PACs receiving money from a given organization.

pac_recipients(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Org); limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)

pac_recipients(entity_id::Union(String, Org); auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)

Party Breakdown

Portion of giving from an organization that went to each party.

party_breakdown(auth::String, entity_id::Org; cycle = nothing)

party_breakdown(entity_id::Org; auth = "", cycle = nothing)

State/Federal (Level) Breakdown

Portion of giving from an organization that went state candidates versus federal candidates.

state_federal_breakdown(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Org); cycle = nothing)

state_federal_breakdown(entity_id::Union(String, Org); auth = "", cycle = nothing)

Lobbying Registrants

Lobbying firms hired by an organization.

lobbing_registrants(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Org); limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)

lobbing_registrants(entity_id::Union(String, Org); auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)

Lobbying Issues

Issue areas an organization has hired lobbyists for.

lobbying_issues(auth::String, entity_id::Org; limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)

lobbying_issues(entity_id::Org; auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)


Bills an organization has lobbied on.

bills(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Org); limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)

bills(entity_id::Union(String, Org); auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)


Lobbyists hired by an organization.

lobbyists(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Org); limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)

lobbyists(entity_id::Union(String, Org); auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)

Registrant Clients

Top clients that hired an organization (lobbying firm).

registrant_clients(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Org); limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)

registrant_clients(entity_id::Union(String, Org); auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)

Registrant Issues

Top issue areas an organization (lobbying firm) has lobbied on.

registrant_issues(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Org); limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)

registrant_issues(entity_id::Union(String, Org); auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)

Registrant Bills

Top bills an organization (lobbying firm) has lobbied on.

registrant_bills(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Org); limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)

registrant_bills(entity_id::Union(String, Org); auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)

Registrant Lobbyists

Top lobbyists an organization (lobbying firm) employs, by registrations.

registrant_lobbyists(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Org); limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)

registrant_lobbyists(entity_id::Union(String, Org); auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)

Mentions in Regulations

Regulatory dockets that most frequently mention an organization

mentions_in_regulations(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Org); limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)

mentions_in_regulations(entity_id::Union(String, Org); auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)

Regulatory Comment Submissions

Regulatory dockets with the most comment submissions from an organization.

regulatory_comment_submissions(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Org); limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)

regulatory_comment_submissions(entity_id::Union(String, Org); auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)

FACA Memberships

Lists employees of an organization with memberships on federal advisory committees.

faca_memberships(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Org); limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)

faca_memberships(entity_id::Union(String, Org); auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)

FEC Summary

Latest figures for an organization from the FEC's summary report, current election cycle only.

fec_summary(auth::String, entity_id::Union(String, Org))

fec_summary(entity_id::Union(String, Org); auth = "")

Industry Aggregates

Top Industries

By contributions given, in dollars.

top_industries(auth::String; limit = 16, cycle = nothing)

top_industries(; auth = "", limit = 16, cycle = nothing)

Top Industry Organizations

Top organizations in an industry by dollars contributed.

top_industry_organizations(auth::String, entity_id::String; limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)

top_industry_organizations(entity_id::String; auth = "", limit = nothing, cycle = nothing)

Open States API

Common Parameters

Many of methods in the Open States API accept similar arguments. To reduce redundancy, these are documented once, below. Not all methods accept all common parameters - be sure to check the function signature in the docs further down.

  • auth: Your Sunlight API key (get one here).
  • state: This variable always takes the two-letter state abbreviation, rather than a full state name.

State Metadata Methods

Metadata Overview

Get list of all states with data available and basic metadata about their status.


State Metadata

Get general information about the given entity.

get_state_metadata(auth::String, state)
  • state: The state to search for, a required value.

Bill Methods

Bill Search

Search bills by (almost) any of their attributes, or full text. At least one of the filters must be specified.

bill_search(auth::String; state=nothing, chamber=nothing, bill_id=nothing, bill_id__in=nothing, 
            q=nothing, search_window=nothing, updated_since=nothing, sponsor_id=nothing, 
            subject=nothing, bill_type=nothing, sort=nothing, page=nothing, per_page=nothing)
  • state: Only return bills from a given state.
  • chamber: Only return bills from a given chamber (e.g. lower).
  • bill_id: Only return bills with a given bill_id.
  • bill_id__in: Accepts a pipe delimited list of bill ids.
  • q: Only return bills matching the provided full text query.
  • search_window: Filter results to a given time, specified by one of the following options:
    • "all" (default if none specified, includes all sessions)
    • "term" (only bills from sessions within the current term)
    • "session" (only bills from the current session)
    • "session:YYYY" (only bills from the session in the specified year)
    • "session:YYYY-YYYY" (only bills from the session in the specified year range)
  • updated_since: Only bills updated since a provided date (provided in YYYY-MM-DD format).
  • sponsor_id: Only bills sponsored by a given legislator id (e.g. 'ILL000555').
  • subject: Only bills categorized by Open States as belonging to this subject.
  • bill_type: Only bills of a given type (e.g. 'bill', 'resolution', etc.)
  • sort: Sort-order of results, defaults to 'last', options are:
    • "first"
    • "last"
    • "signed"
    • "passed_lower"
    • "passed_upper"
    • "updated_at"
    • "created_at"
  • page: Page of results, each of size per_page (defaults to 1).
  • per_page: Number of results per page, is unlimited unless page is set, in which case it defaults to 50.

Bill Detail

This method returns the full detail object for a bill. User can specify either the unique Open States ID for the bill (as open_states_id), or must specify the three parameters of state, bill_id, and cycle.

bill_detail(auth::String; open_states_id=nothing, state=nothing, bill_id=nothing, cycle = nothing)
  • open_states_id: Unique Open States ID for a given bill.
  • state: State.
  • bill_id: Bill's ID within the state legislature
  • cycle: YYYYYYYY (i.e. "20092010"), for the time range in which the bill was proposed).

Legislator Methods

Legislator Search

Search legislators by their attributes. At least one named filter parameter must be provided.

legislator_search(auth::String; state=nothing, first_name=nothing, last_name=nothing, chamber=nothing, 
                  active=nothing, term=nothing, district=nothing, party=nothing)
  • state: Only return legislators from a given state.
  • first_name: Only return legislators with a given first name.
  • last_name: Only return legislators with a given last name.
  • chamber: Only return legislators from a given chamber (e.g. lower).
  • active: true (default) to only include current legislators, false will include all legislators.
  • term: Only legislators that have a role in a certain term.
  • district: Only legislators that have represented the specified district.
  • party: Only legislators that have been associated with a specified party.

Legislator Detail

This method returns the full detail for a legislator.

legislator_detail(auth::String, leg_id)
  • leg_id: Return the legislator with the specified ID.

Geo Lookup

Lookup all legislators serving districts containing a given location, specified by latitude and longitude.

geo_lookup(auth::String; lat=nothing, long=nothing)
  • lat: Latitude contained in district.
  • long: Longitude contained in district.

Committee Methods

Committee Search

Search committees by any of their attributes.

committee_search(auth::String; committee=nothing, subcommittee=nothing, chamber=nothing, state=nothing)
  • state: Only return committees from a given state.
  • chamber: Only return committees from a given chamber (e.g. lower).
  • committee: Search by committee (i.e. "Finance and Revenue").
  • subcommittee: Search by subcommittee. If null, object represents the committee.

Committee Detail

Get full detail for committee, including all members.

committee_detail(auth::String, committee_id)
  • committee_id: Return the committee with the specified ID.

Event Methods

Event Search

Search events by state and type.

event_search(auth::String; state=nothing, event_type=nothing, format=nothing)
  • state: Only return events from a given state.
  • type: Only return events with a given type. ('committee:meeting' for now)
  • format: Can be 'rss' or 'ics', or not specified.

Committee Detail

Get full detail for event.

event_detail(auth::String, event_id)
  • event_id: Return the event with the specified ID.

District Methods

District Search

List districts for state (and optionally filtered by chamber).

district_search(auth::String; state=nothing, chamber=nothing)
  • state: Return districts from a given state. Mandatory parameter.
  • chamber: Only return districts with a specified chamber. Optional parameter.

District Boundary Lookup

This method returns an full district object, including the boundary given a boundary_id.

district_boundary_lookup(auth::String, boundary_id)
  • boundary_id: Return the district with the specified boundary ID.