
Distributed Sparse Matrix Factorizations
Author JuliaSparse
4 Stars
Updated Last
10 Months Ago
Started In
June 2022


SuperLUDIST.jl is Julia wrapper around the superlu_dist distributed sparse factorization library. superlu_dist contains a set of subroutines to solve a sparse linear system A*X=B.

SuperLUDIST is a parallel extension to the serial SuperLU library. It is targeted for the distributed memory parallel machines. SuperLUDIST is implemented in ANSI C, with OpenMP for on-node parallelism and MPI for off-node communications. We are actively developing GPU acceleration capabilities.

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SuperLUDIST.jl is available in the General registry through Julia's package manager. Enter the Pkg REPL mode by typing ] in the Julia REPL and then run:

pkg> add SuperLUDIST

or equivalently via the Pkg.jl API:

julia> import Pkg; Pkg.add("SuperLUDIST")

Proper use of SuperLUDIST.jl will typically also require MPI.jl, SparseBase.jl and possibly MatrixMarket.jl. These can be installed from the Pkg REPL mode:

pkg> add MPI SparseBase MatrixMarket

or equivalently:

julia> Pkg.add("MPI", "SparseBase", "MatrixMarket")

The binaries provided with Julia may not work correctly on your machine (this is currently affecting at least NERSC Perlmutter). If this is the case you may provide your own library with:

SuperLUDIST.set_libraries!(; libsuperlu_dist_Int32 = <PATH TO 32 BIT LIBRARY>, libsuperlu_dist_Int64 = <PATH TO 64 BIT LIBRARY>)

These libraries should be built with the proper integer size (32 bit or 64 bit), and should be linked against the MPI used by MPI.jl (on HPC clusters this should be your system MPI).

You may provide one or the other, or both, but if the 32 or 64 bit integer libraries are unavailable 32 bit or 64 bit matrices will be unavailable respectively.


Examples for running in replicated and distributed mode are provided in the examples directory. To run these examples follow the instructions provided here to set up your MPI correctly. In particular mpiexecjl should be in your path (it is typically found in ~/.julia/bin)

Then you can invoke a driver example:

mpiexecjl -n <nprocs> julia --project examples/basic_example.jl

This command does a couple things. The first part launches MPI with <nprocs> ranks. The second part julia --project activates the current folder. If your installation is in the global environment you may omit --project, or provide a path to the environment you would like to use: --project=~/MySuperLUProject. Finally examples/pdrive.jl is the Julia script to be executed under MPI.

Driver routine examples are found in the examples folder of this repository. The examples currently cover basic usage of pgssvx and pgssvx_ABglobal driver routines. These routines load matrix market files and generate right hand sides, which is not a typical use-case. Instead users will often build a submatrix on each rank, and construct a DistributedSuperMatrix.

Known Issues

  • CUDA support is currently disabled.
  • OpenMP will often oversubscribe single node setups. In this case you should use SuperLUDIST.superlu_set_num_threads(Int32, <num>) or SuperLUDIST.superlu_set_num_threads(Int64, <num>) to the number of OpenMP threads desired on each rank.

About the project

This is summer a project at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab with scalable solvers group Led by Dr. Xiaoye Sherry Li.

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