
SwitchTimeOpt.jl - Switching Time Optimization in Julia
Author oxfordcontrol
15 Stars
Updated Last
5 Months Ago
Started In
May 2016



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SwitchTimeOpt.jl is a Julia package to easily define and efficiently solve switching time optimization (STO) problems for linear and nonlinear systems. SwitchTimeOpt.jl supports a wide variety of nonlinear solvers through MathProgBase.jl interface such as Ipopt, KNITRO, NLopt.

Documentation The complete interface documentation can be found here.

Citing this package

If you use SwitchTimeOpt.jl for published work, we encourage you to cite the following paper (see longer preprint version here):

  author = {Stellato, B. and Ober-Bl{\"o}baum, S. and Goulart, P.},
  title = {Second-Order Switching Time Optimization for Switched Dynamical Systems},
  journal = {{IEEE} Transactions on Automatic Control},
  year = {2017},
  volume = {62},
  number = {10},
  pages = {5407--5414},
  month = oct,
  issn = {0018-9286},
  doi = {10.1109/TAC.2017.2697681}