Syslogs.jl defines and exports a Syslog
type which is a subtype of IO
# Create our Syslog IO type which logs to the local syslog daemon via the libc interface.
io = Syslog()
# Print a log message to syslog of the form "<pri><msg>\0".
println(io, :info, "Hello World!")
To log to a remote server you can pass the remote ip address and port to the Syslog
# Create our Syslog IO type which logs to a remote syslog service with the specified `ipaddr` and `port` via TCP.
io = Syslog(ipaddr, port; tcp=true)
# `log` is just and alias for `println` in this case.
log(io, :info, "Hello World!")
Several IO
methods exist for the Syslog
println(io::Syslogs.Syslog, level::Symbol, msg::String)
println(io::Syslogs.Syslog, level::AbstractString, msg::AbstractString)
log(io::Syslogs.Syslog, args...)
Syslogs.jl also provides several methods to the libc interface:
Syslogs.openlog(ident::String, logopt::Integer, facility::Integer)
Syslogs.syslog(priority::Integer, msg::String)
Syslogs.makepri(facility::Integer, priority::Integer) # maps to the LOG_MAKEPRI macro
- TLS support with MbedTLS.jl