
Log tabular data in Julia
Author Wikunia
2 Stars
Updated Last
3 Years Ago
Started In
December 2021


Stable Dev Build Status Coverage

TableLogger.jl is a Julia package which allows you to easily log data in a table for a nice visual tabular log. This can be used for your machine learning, optimization or any other project in which you want to have an updated line in your table every x seconds or whenever there was a significant change.


You can install the package via the Julia package manager.

] add TableLogger


First you need to define the structure of the table that you want to display.

The following will create three columns #Open, #Closed and Time [s].

table = init_log_table(
    (id=:open_nodes, name="#Open"),
    (id=:closed_nodes, name="#Closed"),
    (id=:time, name="Time [s]", width=10, alignment=:right);
    width = 20,
    alignment = :center

You can then print the header with:


which will print:

       #Open              #Closed        Time [s] 

now you can add values to the each column with set_value! i.e:

set_value!(table, :open_nodes, 10)
set_value!(table, :closed_nodes, 0)
set_value!(table, :time, 0.1)

then with print_line(table) a new line will be printed. Such that together with the header your output would be:

       #Open              #Closed        Time [s] 
         10                  0                0.1  

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