
Julia bindings for libtakum
Author takum-arithmetic
0 Stars
Updated Last
6 Months Ago
Started In
July 2024


Build Status

This package implements takum arithmetic, a new tapered precision machine number format. Four new data types are defined, namely Takum8, Takum16, Takum32 and Takum64. Internally the reference C99 library libtakum is used for the actual computations for the most part.

Using this package one is able to evaluate takums for real-world applications in terms of precision. Given it is a software implementation the performance is overall worse than the respective usual IEEE 754 floating-point hardware implementations.


The four takum number types Takum8, Takum16, Takum32 and Takum64 have been implemented to behave as much as any built-in floating-point type. They are subtypes of AbstractFloat even though takum itself is strictly speaking not a floating-point number format, but a logarithmic number system. However, as the majority of numerical code is written to accept AbstractFloats rather than Reals and takums share many properties of a typical floating-point number system, this decision was made deliberately and for good reasons.

julia> using Takums

julia> x = Takum8(4.0)

julia> sqrt(x)

If you find a floating-point function you need that is not yet implemented, please raise an issue.