
Allow to read from input streams for all elements of a tar archive
Author KlausC
3 Stars
Updated Last
12 Months Ago
Started In
January 2020


Build Status Coverage Status

The TarIterators package can read from individual elements of POSIX TAR archives ("tarballs") as specified in POSIX 1003.1-2001.

API & Usage

The public API of TarIterators includes only standard functions and one type:

  • TarIterator — struct representing a file stream opened for reading a TAR file, may be restricted by predicates

  • iterate — deliver pairs of Tar.header and BoundedInputStream for each element

  • close - close wrapped stream

  • open - deliver BoundedInputStream for the next element of tar file or process all elements in a loop

  • seekstart - reset input to start

Usage Example

    using TarIterators

    ti = TarIterator("/tmp/AB.tar", :file)
    for (h, io) in ti
        x = read(io, String)

    # reset to start

    # or equivalently
    open(ti) do h, io
        x = read(io, String)

    using CodecZlib
    cio = GzipDecompressorStream(open("/tmp/AB.tar.gz"))

    # process first file named "B"
    io = open(TarIterator(cio, "B", close_stream=true))
    x = read(io, 10)
    close(io) # cio is closed implicitly

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