A model based on term frequency and inverse document frequency.
- Term frequency: number of times a term/word/token appears in a document.
- Document frequency: 1 if appears in a document; 0 otherwise.
These are calculated per document and the results are stored in a TermMatrix
where each column j
is for a document, each row i
is for a term, and term_matrix[i, j]
is the number of times term i
appears in document j
. This is most commonly a sparse matrix so for efficiency it is represented in the SparseMatrixCSC
format from SparseArrays
The document frequency is then df=sum(term_matrix .> 0, dims=2)
. The inverse document frequency is the reciprocal of this. Here it is also normalized and shifted by one: idf=log.((1 + ndocuments)./(1 .+ df)) .+ 1
These two values multiplied together give the TF-IDF: term_matrix .* idf
. For efficiency, this calculation is not done using a broadcast but rather by iterating over the sparse matrix arrays. A model can then use the TF-IDF as the input feature.
using TermFrequencyInverseDocumentFrequency
corpus = [
"This is the first document.",
"This document is the second document.",
"And this is a third one.",
"Is this the first document?",
words = select_vocabulary(corpus; transform=lowercase)
term_matrix = TermMatrix(corpus, words; transform=lowercase)
idf = inverse_document_frequencies(term_matrix)
tfidf = calc_tfidf(term_matrix, idf)
# 9×4 SparseMatrixCSC{Float32, Int64} with 20 stored entries:
# ⋅ ⋅ 0.531146 ⋅
# 0.453491 0.674531 ⋅ 0.453491
# 0.560151 ⋅ ⋅ 0.560151
# 0.370758 0.275737 0.277174 0.370758
# ⋅ ⋅ 0.531146 ⋅
# ⋅ 0.528392 ⋅ ⋅
# 0.453491 0.337266 ⋅ 0.453491
# ⋅ ⋅ 0.531146 ⋅
# 0.370758 0.275737 0.277174 0.370758
Logistic regression:
using Flux
using Flux: onecold, onehotbatch, logitcrossentropy
using StatsBase: mean
loss(model, x::AbstractMatrix, y::AbstractMatrix) = logitcrossentropy(model(x), y)
opt = ADAM()
model = Dense(length(words), nlabels, identity)
opt_state = Flux.setup(opt, model)
data = Flux.DataLoader((tfidf, one_hot_labels); batchsize=32, shuffle=true)
Flux.train!(loss, model, data, opt_state)
acc = mean(onecold(model(tfidf)) .== onecold(one_hot_labels))
Most important words:
for label in 1:nlabels
top_words = [words[idx] for idx in sortperm(model.weight[label, :], rev=true)]
println(label, ": ", top_words[1:10])
Install via the official Julia package repository:
julia> ] # enter package mode
(@v1.x) pkg> add TermFrequencyInverseDocumentFrequency
This is an alternative to the official installation.
Download the GitHub repository. Then:
julia> ] # enter package mode
(@v1.x) pkg> dev path\\to\\TermFrequencyInverseDocumentFrequency.jl
julia> using Revise # for dynamic editing of code
julia> using TermFrequencyInverseDocumentFrequency